Saturday, August 3, 2024

Froggy Mountain Stye


               You’d better get it better, or if you are in a casino, get it bettor.  If you need to call the Frog Man for help, use the Frog Horn.  When they hear it, he and his buddy, Newt Grin Rich will come Flying at you.  They probably also will be Flea ing for you.

               There was a frog in the back yard under the evergreen bush.  It told me, “Yeah!  The flies do not swarm here, but I am not here to eat.  I am here to breath!”

               And that’s when the neighbor’s kid took out his tricycle and pedaled past the tree.

               That frog then told me, “It’s a good thing I wasn’t following my eating feelings or I could have been run over by that plastic tire.”

               Then the sun dried the dew off of the lawn.  A dandy lion flower bent and dried in that daylight.  It went from yellow to white and the breeze blew its parts out, all over the yard, and into various neighbors’ places.

               That was when that robin lofted down and pecked out a worm from some pile in front of me.  There was a pebble next to that worm’s hole, sparkling with some quartz streak.  We saw it because our sun poked moving across the ground, fighting with that cloud adrift over head.

               That frog then told me, “I plan to eat that ant now and then burrow under those dried twigs.”

               Life sure is gone.  I am forced to know it because I am alone.  No one cares that my arm is flattened by that falling branch.  I thought I saw someone I could tap but it was just a pile of dried mud. And you sawed the branch of that tree.

               The frog then yelled, “My pals call me Bog Food.  Where does Bog Food go?  What did Bog Food do?  Bog Food, we’re glad we ate you!”

               Oh God!  I know it ain’t the end of the year.  I know I have to work.  You people don’t know that I hadn’t been drunk in fifteen years.  Hell!  I haven’t even taken a sip of alcohol in seven years.  Just because I put up with all this frog stuff and noticing flies.

               I do my job and people around me should do theirs.  Yes, I will talk to people.  And No, I do not put people down.  Neither In Person nor In Mentioning that Person to someone else.

               I know I used to lose it.  But you people around me used to lose it just as much, at times. I got so ashamed of what people saw of me.  Saw of me!  They Sawed At Me!  And now I have changed.

               I am thinking now.  I take a breath.  And I think.  I appreciate people who do not obviously hunt other people.   But I do not have any friends.  I’d hunt for them but that hurts.   Forty years ago, when I was in college, I had my best friend.  I am a Man and she is a Woman.  We were not physically attracted to each other.  I found out during our long friendship that she is not attracted to humans.  Because of what her commander did to her and her crew.

               She encouraged me and encountered me and engineered me to ensemble her.   After I effected I ensembled her, and others.  I sure do miss her.

               Ten years later I had my second best friend.  She was like a mother to me.  A good mother.  Her family acted and felt like a real family to me.  And those feelings were to me.  Definitely not like my real family was to me.  My second friendly family wanted me to be me.  They wanted me to be safe.  They wanted me to exist and be able to grow.

               Fifteen years later I met my third best friend.  We were not that close but we accepted each other.  Like a frog and a toad.  We almost lived together.  But one of us was an amphibian and the other a reptile.  

               However, back in college, I had my fourth best friend.  We were pioneers.  We were nevers.  We were nervous.  We sure were envious.  I miss her.  I did not want her to give up existence for me.  I did not want ions and protons to be personally embedded and yarn wise knitted in order to take care of me.  We departed and now we are disputed.

               In grade school I had my fifth best friend.  We were not very close.  But we matured, a bit, together.  Because of that fifth I began to drink a fifth.  Several fifths.  I am not fifthy no more.  But I sure want A Friend.

               Then there was a time when, instead of friends, I had some buddies.  My buddies, Tom, Dave and I. We like the Three Stooges.  Dave liked to tell us what to do.  We’d all think he’s Moe, including Dave.  Tom played the Tuba.  Because Tom made, and still makes, mistakes along the way, we just followed him to instill his tries to get him to follow orders.  Dave called Tom, Larry.   They both called me Curly.

My Life Story is really The Legend of The Sequel



               This is the story of No One.  Was he being directed to bring two types of animals and his family to a boat?  Was that to save life on Earth?

               Anyone can see or reason out that where ever Know How was, he could not have access to all the animals across earth.  And even if other people or groups or leaders did evil things, would not there be some humans there that should not perish forever, just because they existed.  What about children?  What about New Borns?  What atomic bombs did they commit?  Is it your fault that your Kind was Medieval?  What voice do you have?

               Maybe “Earth” was just the neighborhood, country, or kingdom that Gnomes lived in.  Maybe Gnomes were discredited because they rounded up animals for food (cows), for work (oxen), for entertainment (birds) and possibly the “Two by Two” was inserted into the surviving texts way later.  Maybe No One ever rounded up people. 

               Maybe we were not rounding up animals, per se, but people we could put up with.  People we wanted to rule or colonize (a colony, any colony is usually ruled and the people there do not have much of a say so.  Maybe that was a colon instead.)  And the saving grace of the flood was an Un Known ship.  Was it a slave ship?  Just like, were the Puritans slaves, were the Pilgrims slaves?  A slave ship going off to some supposedly uninhabited region where that Gnome One was going to start his own Kingdom.  England calls the slaves they placed away from freedom in Australia criminals.  Were they criminals or was that a way to enslave them without peoples’ conscience demanding correction.

               When the food waters subsided, what plantlife, what vegetation for fluid would be left?  That Ache Arched Ark would have to have to start his own life before caveman type began dwellings.  He would not know what to eat or how to live.  Rivers would be formed not only afresh but also anew and they would wash that Gnome’s homesteading away continually until those rivers structured and secured themselves.

               Think, there was No flood subsiding, instead there was No One At All landing on what he claimed was an uncolonized continent.  Do I want a King Tut that would round me up like I am an animal and take me away to a never ending future of slavery?  Just because Heathen Gnome was not an Inca Troll at his beginnings.


                                                             I hope you had fun reading this                                                                                                                     I hope you have fun reading THESE


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