Friday, August 23, 2024

Not Particles But Partial Leptons


Honeymooners in Space

Universe 12, Planet 35

35th Chapter of the Stellar Bus



               Ralph Kramden’s radium powered, atomic particled Omnibus had entered specific rotating neutrons and other named remnants.  Those remnants, in order, or at least by orders, are to pick up several, or is that sever all, scheduled, and deluged passengers, or is that passing gas, from the official Vela Pleiades clusters.  Those owners of the Abu DooYou Oil Company, Eatasalats, and other, or otter Shameful Lawless paid Ralph’s managerial company to tell Ralph he  has workers, partial cals, and other owned impressed as living concoctions which, or wicked, need to be moved from one location to the next.

               His stellar bus started picking up from various and vague luminous places in spaces.  These included the Hawking Radiate Ion, along with the Schwarzschild Randomus, and  several Collapsed Emits from specifically named Hadron Particles.  Ralph was told to deliver these so called people to named and claimed Primary Cosmic Ray Hadrosaurus, the Landau–Pomeranchuk–Migdal, and an engulfing of PeVatrons. 

               He was ordered to pick up not the Lost In Space, but a Lots In Space.  And he sure was told that there were a Lots of them In Space.  Or maybe, instead of ‘told’ it was, ‘You are too old.  And you are almost a disgrace.’   He interpreted  that in his usual way, and with not understanding  he has now gone to those planets he thinks that are owned by some Rich Men In Space, in order, and by those orders, to pick up their workers, crews, and more than a few things that various Rich Men want to keep Sending To Space.

               At the assigned pick up areas, Ralph landed his wonderful, or is that wondered at, bus and broadcast to each entering group, “Good boarding, and I hope not boring, unless you are a snake and then, by nature, you must be boring into the ground.   And for those of you with  stinking or is that thinking heads, mine is not thin but it is a king,  good tomorrow morning.  I’d like you to believe that we are making certain you are safe and comfortable and you are going to get to where you were ordered to go.  To be committed,  your comments are my commits.  But it is feared that  any scapular  particles go where there doesn’t appear to be any bondage among you.  This altitude of  anatomy had reached a final edge of vinyl fringe participations.   Ed here does  enjoy that refringerator.  We hope your altitude will  also reach the eleventh strap to a terrace somewhere.  We want you to claim ‘That resists nowhere!’  Anyway, departure should be sometime soon, once time is converted.

               “Please enter using our walking steps.  A surveyor belt will soon be available for those whose wish for insulation.  Thank man’s claims.

               “Since we now got that all straightened out, you may call me Ralph.  I am your independent driver of this group of Omnibus Diverter operators working for the United Field Hyperbolics fleet of mass transportational devices.   That liar you may have heard me talking about is Ed Norton, whom many of you have never met, along with his wife Trixie, and my wife, Alice.   And yes, I had met Alice, and that is ‘Alice’ and  not ‘Some Mice’, however, at times, I feel she gives me a munch of flies. 


               When each individual group reached the ship’s users’ aisle, Ralph, who had them loaded, along with his guns, he kept telling them to keep going in.  Ralph finally dropped his microphone and conversed with his resting and waiting co-workers:

               Ed Norton, who was reading from a comic, not cosmic, star ship map, as he held onto Ralph’s compass, “I do not possess a dwarf galaxy in bellarix, a inmarsat, or a string of starlit obscuras.”

Ralph smiled and said, “ I'm glad to alkaid... a sting of starlit obscuras? Where do you algol that?”

Ed Norton frowned  pointedly, “ Right there... a hexagram of obscuras!”

To which Ralph responded, “That's a mintaka of starquake subplanets!”


Then one of the clouds of Auroras boarding Ralph’s Bus poked Ed in the back and said:


               “We’re old and fat

  Well, how about that

  Cayce, don’t you panic

  Out of the sky

  Into the flight

  When we solar storm all right

  We’ll need a radioactive mechanic.”


               Ed Norton then smiled and said, “Sure as shootin.  Everybody’s put in. I am your Celestial  Mechanic.”

               As they faded away Alice said to Ed, “So.”

               To which, but he acted like it was ‘to a Witch,’ Norton asked back, “Sew?”

               That caused Trixie to ask, “Are you going to Sue?”

               And the jaws of Ralph shouted, “Sidereal!”


               That caused them to shut up.  Afterwards Ralph and Ed sat in their bus’s workers’ seats.  At that time, Alice and Trixie went to Trixie’s kitchen in order to relax from Ralph’s friendly reactions.

               Back in the passenger area, in one row of seats, sat the Recount Nation.  In back of them was the Recur Nature. A seat seat here and a seat seat there, here it sat, there it sat a member of the Recongregation.  In some cases, it was a membrane, not a member. One aisle got filled with Read Conversation.  Over here and over there you could hear the Recongratulations.  And, off course and of course, many were Recon You Late Son.  Or were they Suns?  That’s because the bus transporters were not that bright.

               One of the passengers beeped Ed.  When he came to find out what was the matter, whether it was matter or gas or some substance that has mass and takes up space, the passenger asked, “Are you Star Light?”

               Ed said, “All Space.  Coronal Star Light.”

               The Cosmic Dust passenger glowed at him and replied, “Poor little Procyon.  We all know you ain’t good for nothin.”

               Upon leaving, because he did the launch, Ralph decided to go eat lunch.  Sitting down and staring at his platter, he asked Alice, “Do you want my alpha centauri to emulex out?”

               Alice then frowned, shook her head,  and said, “Your  magellanic cloud couldn't in any way osiris out!”

               As the bus flew on its route, Trixie and Ed laughed and sung:


                                             Solar Ray

Night or Day

They Say They’re A Star Ship Cruiser

In The Way

No Matter What May

We Know They’re A Bunch Of Losers

Today When They Pay Here

It Will Slay With A Laser

And They Claim  They Are All Snoozers

But In Reality

They Should  Say Boozers.


                                                                I hope you liked reading this                                                                                                                          Here is some more you can READ



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