Friday, March 29, 2024

Graphing A Photon Or Grabbing A Dog


               I heard a tapping on my window.  I looked outside and saw some, furry little thing scampering across the sidewalk and barking at me.  Here’s what came out of his mouth “Hey Mr. Mingles Man.  Manhandle my vacuum energy.  That comet comes and I don’t want to be alone.  Or is that on loan?”  Or, at least that’s what I heard coming out from his mouth.

               So, I went to the doorway.  I opened it and looked out.  With a head of a Moriarty.  And an anvil Ally to the pull of the tooth.  I smiled and said, “Fangs to you.”

               He ran around.  Bit at his tail, and replied, “Sir!   Sir!  I am not forgotten!  I want to tell you that I am for the gloss softened.  See, my bones sure ain’t rotten.  And my gravity is at my bottom.”

               I replied, “I’m not Stu you little Pid.  I can easely see that you are ‘A tail pulled by those idiots’ or was that ‘lily lads.’”

               He then growled, “At least I’m a wizard with jaws.”

               To which I said, “You sure are that Wizard who annoys.”

               He looked at me, pointed his snout, lifted his leg, and then said, “I want to point out to you that me and my friend here.  We are The Photon and The Dog.”

               And I just answered, or was that ants whirled, “Well, I can see you as The Wizard of Paws.”

               Then he replied, “Come On!  I’m not the Wizard Possessed.  Repossessed.  Retrograded.”

               I then just laughed and told him, “Yes.  Yes!  Yes, you are!  You are such a:

Pro Non,

That Makes You An Anti-Nuken

We wilt now call you our Auntie Nun.”

                Two Witch caused them to state:


“Eee! Nun.  See a Tun!

See that two nun!

Sea a Tuna!

And just pay me a Fee! Man!

As your g Sprees Your Nun around!”


               That was when I acknowledged that there were two of them, “Okay!  Okay!  I’ve head enough of this!  Or is that I’ve heard enough of that!  Well, it really is I herd enough of this herd of you two.  So, I now pronoun yous in the shape of the universe!”

               The next thing I did was step out my door.  I locked it to make my home safe.  I’m always a safe cracker when I want to go back inside.  I just do that when I’m sick of all these crackers around me.  They sure are cracked up.  Anyway, I looked up in that stye.  That’s when, in my eye I got dropped by a bird.  As usual, I complained,  “Are you Super Man Immature?”

               To which the furry one barked, “You should no that If I were a Supper Hero.  And I’m not talking about the Sand Witch.  You’re the one that I canned take a stand width.   I am Bat Man.  And you would be Foe Ward.  Or is that Four Weird.  Whatever, all we know is that, Ed Warts.  Or at least you Eats Warts.”

               I ants weird, “I know. I know now.  It’s that meteor that did it.  Boy life sure became meatier.  There it was.  It Mash Potatoed some Matter with you.  That’s Watsa Matta Wid You!  And so, now, you are just Corporal Klinger.  And look around you. All those Klingons!  This makes me feel like I am  on the banks of an Alien Stream.  I see you now.  You are one of the Jelly Fish of Jupiter.”

               After that I was tapped on my shoulder.  There was my neighbor standing in back of me.  He said, “ All this time I’ve been hearing you.  You Snapping, Napping Crew.  I see those guys!  They are the Physiolostones. Yes, it is the Photon and the Dog Time.  Because with them Time Travels Backward.  TTB!  Anytime we can see you, you guys are Back Wards.  And this proves that you, my neighbor, are a Back Wart.  Now you should listen to just what my back warns!”

               Then, before he started, I argued, or is that agreed, or I noticed some more greed, my a popsicle creed, “Yeah, sure, and that Dark Energy, the Dark Matter, those Five Point Nine Protons per cubic meter-doo!”

Pulsars met some Space Stones

In a meteoric celestial body

From the messed up helium vacuum

They're a ray right out of radiation


Let them  fly with the temperature of heat

Through that plasma of Kelvin's two point seven C.


Seven C

Seven Seas

Heaven Sees


Then that Atom hit a Space Dog

He sure did have a Yuri Gagarin cost flight

A Soviet  mesospheric blight

It'll find the Earth Or Bite


An Orbit Obit


Baryonic, meet the Numeric Densities

They're the neutrino stars and galaxies

From the electromagnetic dust

They're a field right out of kinetic


Someday, maybe mass energy will dark

And then that matter will stray out to the park


So when you're with the Anastrophe

You’ll have that microwave spatial probe

A vacuum background parallel rove

Five orders of magnitude prone


We all must learn that Hist Ionic was written up as a personality disorder.  It is  a mental condition.  One in which people are said to act in a very emute teal and dramatic way.  Anyway, that draws attention to themselves.  Magnetism is as magnetism does, but the Butt Put that reality is, is that a Canis Ionic fur tail dog bottomry has distorted some sputnickal probe.  And the seismologically connected fibers spacially sparked into fidos.  One specific Ion was positively charged, in order to get attracted to a specific negative electrode.  That Grain behind this ausweis was expediated to form a cathode.  What the waves in this form did not co-pre-med or comprehend, or corpses amend, was that that was what was framed.  And maybe farmed.  It was not a cathode but it was what the Cat Owed.  And what that Cat Owed was a Dog.

So, beware of the Photons.  They are the snarl tickles. This is the one that trickled so much that the other otter that  travelled through some wide spaces with the Atom Bombs  just bombing away.  And when that certain Photon got too much booze,  it interfered with the election of the King of the Earth!   The photon and his fiend friend fright were then ether subtracted into a particle queuer atom or (or ore)  that tomb then became a Rebel to the caustics.

                                          I hope you liked reading this                                                                                                                          There are other things you can read TOO

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