Saturday, April 6, 2024

My Placement or What This Place Meant


               How do I know where I am?  I can’t tell any of those differences that Geography has from Geology.  So, if I don’t know where things are at or what the ground is made of and I would not understand where, what, and when things were at.  At?  At!  What do you think I am?  The Atlas?  How could I be the Atlas with no Geography!  At Last, I am Attila The Dumb.    And I also cannot understand the differences of a person’s, a creature’s, or a thing’s Biography from their Biology.  Do I know the history of your life?  Not bloody likely!  And if I were a vampire, I would like blood, see, likely.  But, not in the Sea, likely.

               Well, anyway, I know  I’m no Cone Head.  You should know what I am.  And that is ‘Know what I am.’  You should not have the power to ‘No what I am’!  I am The Bat Man.  And not just The Bat Man, I am The Bat Man Ion.  The other day someone said to me, “You think you are a Super Hero.  Let me see you fly.”  I answered, “Watch!  See, here’s my fly.  Now keep watching.  You’ll soon see me take off.  My clothes, that is.”

               Then some woman said to me, “I bet you just escaped to Mara Largo. I wish the rest of us could  escape from you, you Maga Bozo.”


               That was when this happened:


                        Happiness Squids

Happiness Skids

Happiness Bids

Different Blinks  From Different Peep Holes.


But instead of Happiness, things should have been.  And I mean ‘been’, not ‘bean’  I sure am a mean bean:


Hah!  See this

See This Flea Dish

Sea Shells want to Sink Me

                              And not just in Helsinki

                              Also in all this Stink, Me

                        Just remember

I’ll Sink You Too

As I Sink my Fangs into you.


               That caused me to call out, “I knew you would.  Or is that, I knew you, wood?  Ashe?  Oak?  Coconut?  Willow?  What Willow You Be Doing?  You will, hot jewel, be doing Treason.  Not Trees, on and on.  Anyway, Yankee soon be Democracy Dead.  Like those Rons with Coked up colons.  That Pres keep saying ‘Oooh Maga!’  In the past he had Married a pretty commie.  She’s a bit bats.  Putin sure kept telling him to do that.”

               As things were going along, I got interrupted again with, “Look!   Up in the sky!  It’s a Bat!  It’s a Wolf!   It’s Full Moon Man!”

To which I replied, “Werewolves will eat your arm along.  Just like those lizards love to do.”

Which caused her to answer, and she just shouted, “That werewolf with paws!  That is what he does!  He dodges!  He dodges!  He dodges!  He dodges!  He dodges!  He dodges that silver bullet and then:


                        He claws

And gnaws

His jaws


They are His Laws.”


               She then said, “Awe, come on.  Don’t be afraid.  He’s just a mammal.  And when we think that we should be afraid of Beasts.  Instead of Beasts, you should really look out for those Bees.  See, they are all run by Females.  I’m a Female.  You’re not a Female!  Think about it, even those kept alive Worker Bee slaves are Females.  So few Males are allowed to grow up occasionally.  They are allowed by the Queen so she could make another brood.  Eruption!  A lava of larvae! Oh Great!  Great Sitkin that is.

“And it’s not just the Bees.  Ants do that too!  Most Ants are Females.  Ever think of why we call your Mother’s Sister ‘Aunt’?  Because it is how U spell  ‘Ant’.  Have you ever thought about who runs the other insects, too?  This is not the rule of dumb, but, this rule of thumb is that Females tend to be bigger and they congregate, and they tend to have a bulgier abdomens. Congregate.  Congress.  We should have more Females in our Congress.  And that guy who thinks he owns our Congress.  He sounds like he’s full of Coke.  And he ain’t even a Cockroach.  Cockroaches.  Those Males are typically smaller with longer, thinner antennae.  They need antennas.  They don’t do any thinking on their own.  Other than thinking that they are the Kings.  Females are larger with shorter, stouter antennae, shorter wings.  How about Praying Mantises?  They really should be called Preying Mantises.  The Female kills the Male after they mate, and she eats his head.

Instead of The Voice, or was that The Vice, or Dancing With Your Straws, or The Masked Stinker?   There should be a televised competition where a Woman reads a five to fifteen minute excerpt or list of commands, and the team leaders (Females) pick a few of them and have the Men complete them, till the end of the show.  Each fight would have two or more individual Ladies lead a bunch collected Men and then either the Female judges or the television Women viewers decide who won that portion of the competition.  This goes on and on until the last two are waiting to compete.  Then they read parts or all of what the world has left.   And the Female audience or Female judges vote.   A life long winter is us now frozen.”

What she said caused me to say, “That seems just like you are trying to look up things about ancient civilizations.  What, hadn’t you once found caves in the Grand Canyon?  And how did these discoveries disappear?   Men can’t find the caves now.  Is it because a Girl did not tell them where to look?”


All we have are Seven Baseless  Machis Moes:


i)             Unclever

ii)            Squeal and Ask Moe

iii)           Pukey

iv)           Inclined Blame

v)            Sledge

vi)           Screwed Up


               And She replied to me, “About the people who think they rule us.  Those guys are sure not or should not be our leaders.  They are not  leaders of any sort.  They are lead pipe errors instead.  And they are the lead that causes us cancer.  But they are just one of the latest parade balloons rallying the  doom of selfish bullies.”


               I agreed.  This here life sure makes my skin crawl.


               Talk About  Skin Crawl, all this stuff we are commanded to do:


1)     Start to act like we know the few talking to us

2)     Conflicts under my skin – you friends against the others there

3)     You must get to know other people – You learn to communicate with your own kind, but not with your own mind

4)     We discuss with some inner self if the others of our people have people like the ones under our skins

5)     You must find, start communicating with, reach out to, or teach a few others (like we think they are) that have so called smart people inside of them

6)     Try to find out, ‘Are there more in the Earth or on other planets?’

7)     Do these smart people also have people inside of them

8)     Is there a problem?  Do we want a problem?  We are the problem.

9)     Do smart people make us slaves?   Knowingly?  Do some smart people make other smart people slaves?  Knowingly. 

10)   I don’t think they know how to know. 

                                                I hope you liked reading some of the stuff that I write                                                                                  Here is other stuff that I WRITE


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