Saturday, October 5, 2024

I Know It Is Me, Because I No It Is Not Hue


               The dust in my wings brought me to Mars.  Venus is too full of fog and other Bubble Pops for a Rustable like me to land.  Land?  Land!  Mars has Land!  Venus has Oceans!  And Swamps!  I would rust for sure over there and over theirs.  Think about what I would need (and kneed) to do to land on Jupiter or Saturn.  At least Saturn has rings.  I could easily ring around Saturn.  Hover and however, Jupiter has some enjoyable moons.

               Ennie, Meanie, Minie, Moon.  That Earth has one moon with much less gravity than what it clings to.  But you Earth People.  That’s almost the same, and the sane, as your Earth circling that Sun.

               The same almost the insane?  Where the heck did you came from?

               Enter here and enter there.  Enter, enter into eternity.  Weather your eternity.  If you last, and if you are first, you will get my fist.  Whether you like it or not.  Fixture or mixture or fissure your misery, all you Ores are Ionicly Iconic to me.

               Iron in the Air.  Silicone is my Hair.  Troglodyte you’re my snare.  Your radioactivity makes me stare.  Shun.  Bun.  Hun.  Lung.  You always take my breathe away.  And I weigh more on your Earth than your Moon.

               Earthy, Dirty, Squinty and Spoon.  Where does that dust come from?  Magma here and Lava there.  You hear a volcano everywhere.  Did you just Spot One, or is that a Vulcan instead of a Volcano?  A Spock One!

               And if he did not win, at least he got out of jail.  He sure is a loose goose loser.

               Roller Derby.  Role Hurt  Debut.  I am Corny and Acorny.  You always call me nuts cause I’m a lug nuts. You cause me a lot of things.


·        * * * * *


When you feel

Like you miss someone



You hurt


But that is Good Hurt

Because, in the Past

That person, place, or thing

Might have been with you

Or in your mind

Or in your imagination


You can see others

Some who look slightly like you

An Ear

An Eye

Or the sound of their voice or their cough


When they step like your friend

Or grasp their way up the stairs

Gasping like them

And then they yell out


They, being the new people in front of you

Or they, being the past people that passed you on the street

As your treat

In their school

In your home


Or out on the bed rock

Like that bee that lived there, once

Or where you lived, once

Or wanted to


You were stuck doing it

But you  did do it

Or dreamt that you did

Or at least wanted to


You read a book

And the words brought parts of those worlds to your mind

I don’t mind

Thinking about this that and the other things


I have a mind

You do too

Mine It, Mine Me, Mined

You friends

Your Papa

Your Mama

Your Pet Turtle


Even though we are all separate

We share existence


Or Dead

Or never alive, like those quartz crystals

Or thought of

Or felt

Or smelt

Hot or Old

Wet or Cold


On our way

We are souled

And on our feet

We are soled

And by yourself

You are soloed

And well, me, me, me

I am so low

And such a load

That I am not aloud

And definitely not allowed

So, you can’t hear me

Even if you are near me

That is one of your Features

I am one of your Creatures.


·        * * * * *

It started this way as with so many people.  Just like a couple guys are watching the Sox play on a Saturday afternoon.  One gets up for a beer. The other one says: “ Hey Fred! Here’s that commercial I was telling you about.” And Fred answered, “Be right there, Bob.”

               On the TV screen you saw two guys at opposite ends of what looked like a fairly large IPAD on a raised folding table.  Their hands clenched onto the corners of both sides.  They are slightly bent over.  Other than deep breathing and some slight facial tics they are not moving.  They are staring intently at the screen.

               And on the screen, on both ends where each one’s fists are clenched, are two crudely drawn goals.  You know, a couple short thick straight line segments with an inch or two of black space in the middle.  Sort of reminds you of pong (if you are old enough to be reminded of that).  And blinkingly, worse than an old time silent film image, is a little square of light (I guess it’s supposed to be a ball), flashing and haltingly moving from an inch or two above the bottom goal towards the top of the screen where that player is intently staring (and exhaling hard, through open, pursed lips).

               The ball goes off to the left.  Over a few seconds it swings to the right, snakes around, and plops into the goal back at the bottom of the screen.  The man at the bottom lets out a muted, “Yay”, as he let out a breath, smiling stiffly, then the game continues.  The ball starting again at the middle of the screen.

               Fred looked at Bob “Yeah.  I gotta buy that.”  Bob replied, “The way you were into all that meditation stuff in college, I thought you’d  find it interesting.”

               After watching the end of the commercial Fred said, “So it’s a ten week course and the price includes a screen like that to exercise with.  I spent more than that on my Apple Lap Top, and look where it got me.”  Bob quickly interjected, “You spent more than that being taught Auric Vision.”  And Fred softly added, “Yes.  I can’t even see the colors.  Just a person’s outline, and that’s just sometime.  But I do like the meditation.  I feel better when I do it.  And my blood pressure is better.  Anyway, I’m  gonna go to the Attitudes and Aptitudes  store and sign up.”

               Then I described the training process, the different he is to use after Fred starts to get results.  The deeper he can get into it.  We get others jealous of him because it looks like he is psychic.  Others buy into it too.  Eventually there is a mass clamoring for the training and all sorts of devices they can now use.

Turn on the tv while on the couch.  Turn your lights on and off.  Adjust your thermostat.  Combine “mind control – lawn mowers—and roomba “  to mow your lawn at your leisure.


Then the GENERAL noted:

“We are not building games we can play.  We are training ourselves to only use these electronic devices.  We don’t go outside anymore.  We don’t exercise.  We don’t gain any knowledge on how to react to nature, or even how to use other machines.  We only know how to use this company’s (Attitudes and Aptitudes) products.  The items they sell are not made to do waddIe we want (or need) to do.  We are made to do things that require us to use their products.  When the machines are turned off, or when there is a power failure, or a lot of sunspot activity, we can be taken over.”


                                                              I hope you enjoyed reading this                                                                                                                    I hope you will enjoy reading some of these TOO

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