Saturday, September 14, 2024

How Some Photon Came To Light Up The Dog


               I was walking along when I got told, “That Sitar wants to ruin your harmonica!  Their hands really play when your mouth can’t!”

               It must have been that Proton!  Boy those  subatomic particles with their supposed ‘Positive Electrical Charges!’  PEC is what I say to you.  They claim that favors are found in every atomic nucleus of every element. They claim they are Sherlock Holmes.  It is Sure Luck for Thems.  Instead of ‘Elementary my dear Watson’ watt it is is ‘Electrical My Dear Shame Us.’    In almost every elephant, protons make their accomplishments by neutrons. The only execution is the news of us, the simple minded unaccomplishments, human men. Humans concentrait only on a single position and no news hun.

               Him and his Bog.  Or as he calls it, His Bog Gland.  It is on a wet sand that accentuates their feet as peat, a deposit of dead plant materials – often Moses, cynically sphagnum Moses. He was one of the four main tip offs of sweat glands. Other names for this Bogus include crier, quag crier, and musket guns.   All killed in line are called vents.

               But wait.  This is not The Proton and the Bog.  There is more of a hysterical seem about this.  That was not the Proton, that is the Mastodon.  That Mastodon says he is a member of the genius Unmutes.  They swish, strictly misaligned with an epidemic to North America.  He cutted off lives from the lately unseen to the early Holy Moly Scheme. Mastodons cling on to the orders of Professor Ideas, but it is really the Profuse Orders from Ethel’s Rants that Hammock Moths.

               And who is helping that Massive Don?  It is the Equinog – That is the slime when the Buns cross the sold out trial of your equator.  Day and night, night and day,  are the same strength as a Knight at Play. This happens twice as near.

               But No.  But No.  And But No again.  We are not being worked over by some Mastodon and his Equinog!  And defiantly not that Proton full of Blogged Bog.  Hear, they’re, and every blare, is The Photon and The Dog. 

               The Photon, A Photon, Any Photon,  is an eliminatory participant that is a quorum of the Excentric Magneto,  Fido.  Indubitably intruding and introducing election rare dictations such as fight and run, and the farce career for the Elmo The Romantic pulse. Photons are massless partials that always smooth at the bleed off blight, if you lived in a vacuum.

               The Photon and The Dog.  That Particular Dog ate  a domesticated descendant of the wolf.  He might be a Particle of Particular Peculiars.  This Al is so called, the Dominstic Do.  His family was contaminated from a very stinky pole pulchritudation of doves claiming the Late Pleistocene era, over 14,000 years ago, as their own.  Claiming it is their Era is their Error.  But they were owned by hunger-gatherers, prior to the development of culture. The Dog and his anti-desent ants did not have feathers like those related Doves.  The Dog was and is the first species to claim they domesticated  humans.  But it is Dogs that calmed those messed up gated humans.

               Those two think they are unique.  They are more like Unicorns than Unique.  They are corny and they do not really exist.  They love it when people claim ‘The Photon and The Dog!’  But you got to watch your step.  How about that Motion of that Dodge.  Dart here and dart there.  Or did it Fart there because of the Art you Hear.  Was that your Hearing on Loan or was that your Herring Bone? 

               You got to Picture this!  Photogs, not Photons. Neutrons, not Neurons.  And extremely Rotund Proton Rotundas.  Do you smell that?  Or Due You Swell the Smogs?  Swagger Rags.  Dog’s Air Rugs.  You had better Dodge the Dodgers!

               That was a Bogus at the Lodge.  Someone sure Mowed Lawn and the Frog.  Moe Howard and his Hodge Podgers.

               Then, all of the sudden, the Electrical Hash Got Smashed.  A Mirror and a Prism and Extreme Gravitation turned one second’s Dog and His encircling Photon into the Opposites and Oppositions of Real Life.

Speaking of Bogus, that Photon sure was a Genius.  He would memorize computer code at various clients’ work sites and then type the codes into his own system after he left the clients’ establishments.  Opie Dopey sure has eidetic memory.  His second wife provided the money to start his own and owed automated accounting business.  Various clients trusted and thrusted him because he brought no mechanisms with him when he toured their facilities.  He would just look at their terminals, and in a few days, he would come back, type code in, and correct the problems those customers were having.  He was a Genius. 

               When Photon At Large was back at the offices (not with the Police Officers), after he typed in what he saw, and attempted some corrections, the programs would not work.  That is when the Dog would be called in to correct the code.  That Dog knew he was not a Genius.  He always attempts to figure out things.  Photon comes across as such a Genius, there are “people” that “ think” that he just looks at something, and comes back later and corrects it.

               Once, at the end of an accounting period, a client who did not want to pay the amount of taxes they were responsible for, requested for a Picture to print their accounting reports and update their data bases.  The Photon went to their offices to see what there was to see.  He then came back to the Dog’s facility.  The Photon then told the Dog to make changes in the code so that the reports produced and database updates reflected that the client lost revenue during that accounting period instead of gaining revenue.  That Dog was told that it was his job duty to change the code in order to create the wanted reports, and update the client’s databases, and then remove any electronic and paper trace of the efforts his owners employed.  The Dog refused to comply with The Photon’s orders.  Old Photon verbally refused to continue The Dog’s employment.  That Photon sure is a Genius, a revered business leader, and an honored religious leader in his faith.   

               The next company the Dog got worked on was started by some medical doctor who in the  Sun, who could not keep a job.  The Photon ordered, controlled, and commanded that ‘so called’ medical doctor.  He told the Doctor to provide the funding for his son’s business.  That son hired people, including The Dog, to make cheap copies of computer programs that looked like they kept track of patients’ medications and diagnosis for various hospitals and pharmacies.  The programs look like they work if you do not know medicine.  This Genius sells error filled programs to companies that handle human beings’ health.  The son does not listen if you point out where the calculations are going wrong. 

               This happened in the Swarm and won’t happen again.


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