Saturday, September 7, 2024

How I Got Here, or How You're A Lot Hurt

                I’ve sure got to ease down.  My mind tells me, ‘Ease on down, Ease on down my load.’  And, someone  told me that ‘The East is the Ease but the West ain’t a Pest.’  He did not realize that it also sure ain’t the Best.

               Now, I am not a statue, although you people treat me like one.  And, No!  I want you to Know, that is not good.  You think I have no thoughts, feelings, or hungers.  You do not give me any treats.  You think I am  stone, so, at the most, you practice your threats on me.  You hang things on me.  You throw things at me.  You spray me with paint, bug juice, who knows what.  And you sure don’t have the ability to ‘know’ anything.

               My arms now move slow.  My friends move even slower.  Everything around me thinks slow.  Since I landed here from Mars, I’ve been the last in space.  I keep getting marked by scars and you just smoke your cigars.  You think you sieged me.  Well, you cannot think at all.

               You breath more nitrogen.  I breath more aluminum.  But we both still breath oxygen.  And my atmospheric condenser still stills that.  I don’t need a filter like you do.  All that mineral dust fills me.  And I like that.

There was a  friend who liked me so much that her Cadmium Ring attempted a copy of me.  She still is very tempting.        

              She went off with my twin to a moon of Jupiter. I am still free here.  So, some part of me twins, and the heart of me loses.

               I love your apes in the forest.  An orangutan once was on the vines near the river.  It was amazing, and that was Amazon.  She did not need to whine, nor need too much wine.  She just floated while she had poised on that ivory vine.  And she sure is not in vein.  Or in any of you vains.  Dracula saw to that.  He has sharp teeth and can saw a lot of apes.  That orangutan neck now has a lot of fang holes.  Dracula turned her into a werewolf.  But since she already was covered with fur, you can not notice the difference.

               And you should either learn from this or lean from this.  You and Dracula are the same.  The same and you think you are the sane.  You both have necks.  Yours and mine.  You also both have blood. Yours and mine.  And your bloods are full of cells.  And you kneed too real lies, because you cannot realize, that your cells are like my sells.  You buy oxygen, I buy platinum.  Remember, Dracula is not dead.  You and the orangutan are mammals. 

               I am made up of copper and silicon.  Parts of me are hard.  Parts of me are soft.  Different people, places, and things feel and reveal, or at least repel different parts of me.  And they rebel some to think my arm is soft.  Some stink my face is hard.  Some just minks me fur there.


And you just use Ethel’s Alcohol.


Metal Detector

Mental Defector

Meant All Detective



People.  People.  It’s not just Spock that used to think.  The guy I shared a cubicle with at work used to think too.  And he hid it so he would not get fired.  He eventually retired.


Stare Blight

Swear Fright

Again, I dare

To be scared tonight


You flies like us

We do degrade

Just as we get

The worse with age


You can’t see

Do increase your hearing


You can’t hear

Try to learn finger code


When you can’t see and hear

Just either touch across the body

Or use smell code


I can’t here

I can’t feel

I can’t smell

And that’s one way or the other

According to me


But Cats can feel

Cats can hear

And you say that those Cats here sure do smell


We are coming to that time of the year are you chasing that missile toe.   No, that Missile, Joe, it sure is chasing me. And how else can I explain why I am my missing toe?


You always lose your way with the Tuba.  When you go walking the Tuba with me.


Look at those Dwarf Stars with the Corpus Shamrock!


It’s the place where it all began

I’m a regular Frankenstein Fan

There’s that guy that started our own hope

Hanging up on that hill on a rope

Electrolyte my world

I would wait till your hands clench and curl

Prepare the ‘It’s Alive!’ scream


               Then there was that one stunning massive streak, a Vulcan stretch and star burst put that Spock in flight.  It was not only logical; it was a fight.  Then all Earthlings opened their eyes to the sun and blinded themselves as they deafened their base.  Since they were deafened, they could not defend.

Without hearing they began singing because they thought they were doing thing versus the Zylons only they were doing verses instead, and not musical either, but it was some sort of muscular ether.

               Oh, those Zylons, those pointy eared Vulcan foes.  I see everyone has seven toes. And if they ever shot you. They sure would not be set to stun.  That besets me.  And that best sets you.

               I just gotta ask, “How many light years to get to the presents?  And those moons that are all oriented.  Are all tucked into their planets? Is the space bus driver wearing an asteroid belt?   And are you seen shooting here and there and glaring across the universe?  Now have we stopped for some lift?   Or was that for some life?”   My people named them all Earthlings, to do that recall of the cheapest star ship of them all.

               Just sing:

                              Smoke, Smoke, Smoke that Star Ship Bus

Poke, Puke, Pike it to get it slow going if you must

Saint Beelzebub’s at the gate

You don’t want your wrist slashed late

Smoke smoke smoke it as it pokes you in your face



With that Glacier Lake’s sand sand sandstone

You keep looking for some slate

                      If you had fun reading this                                                                                                                I wish you'd try reading some of THESE

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