Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mandibles In Space


Honeymooners in Space

Universe 13, Planet 34

34th Chapter of the Stellar Bus




               As Ralph walked out of the steering room of his asteroidal bus, while Ed was asleep at the urinal, Ralph used his heat sensors to accept those customers, who  began boarding that magnetic transport.  Ralph then peered at the digitals and said to himself, “Look at all those satellites down there.”

               .  Obtaining an altitude, the seven to seventy possessive electrons per intellect were incremented.  That nudged Ralph to tell them, “Please enter using whatever contraptions we have.  This conveyor belt, for example, is also  available for those whose wished for some sort of transportational device, so welcome aboard.

               “I’d like to welcome you from Anti Matter or  even Animal Matter.  While flying with us you can Eat a course of meal livers.  Hold plastic sliver wear in your big hands.  And if you get digested by our local dart board.  Just say ‘Poof.’  You, with your great diner napkin toilet papers.  I will call you Supper Man.  I expect you will be joined by  Beef Man.  And his Round Stomached Kin, whose dish was piled with beef and potatoes.

               “You can try to be casseroled by my buddy Ed.  You may have even seen me talking to that Ed Norton, whom many of you have never met.  And if you have not met him, I hope you have not met his wife Trixie, and, of course, or of a star course, and not a school course,  my wife, Alice.   And she sure is Alice, not A Lice.  However, many a times, I feel she is a bunch of lies.  I sure try to join her. 


               That’s when Alice joined in, “Are you Ralphie Boy or just Ralph Annoyed?”

And Ed said, “No, it is Ralph the Asteroid.”

Trixie agreed, “It’s who I am always trying to avoid.”

               When most of the walking balloons tumbled in Ralph left and picked up his microphone and talked to the rest in space, those  waiting, yes those many weighted passengers:

               “Round and round we go.  Where we orbit, I will know. 

               “I drive this bus.  You’ve just got to sip the heat because you cannot win with just wheat.  I, like heat, will make your neutrons move.  For example, Ed is now in his Ice Escapes.  Instead of those Ice Cascades.  His eyes have sure been invaded, and he should have tried to be avoided.  Instead, he is just annoysive.”

               One of the new passengers said to the guy sitting next to him, “That bus driver claimed he knows where my heiritaged planet’s moon is.  He sure is a starlight driver, who needs a plumber because he is too plump.  Those plumbs sure made the most and the moist out of him.”

               That other guy said, “There was a bunch of cicadas that  wanted to go on a vacation from my planet, but they died out before Ralph landed there.  So, I then rode up the tracking mechanisms and now I need to claim a room I could say I will sleep in.  Instead, I want to sleet in it.  Just what is sleep, anyway?  I only know how to leap.  And I am told, but I am also toad, to leave those leafs as they fly over head.  As a toad I love it when there are flies over my head.”

               The first guy pointed to Ralph and yelled, “You sure are Doctor Pee Yew instead of Doctor Who!”

               And pulling Ralph out of the fight, Ed started going, “Hey!  Hey!  Ralphie Boy!  Is everything over your head?”

               That was when Ralph hit the wrong buttons and turned the bus’s gravity upside down.

               Ralph replied, “My every think is from somewhere, so maybe there is nothing in my head.”

               That was when Alice added, “Ralph!  You just got another Knotting in that Brain of yours!”

               To Witch, to twitch, and Not At All Rich, Trixie conjured, “Knot Nut a Bison.  You sure are a skunk arisen.  Or at least where your air has risen.”

               Then the crew accepted the passengers, those Ferric Dusts and Nitrogen Gases that are the true neighbors of that ample stemmed stamped plant planet which they were camped on.  Twirling about in their tails sails was much of  their work.  And we know that when they work deep, they sure work wells.  “Oil Me!”  “Oil Pew!”  “Mouthed Oil You Impulse!” 

               Ed then told them, “Undesirable for Ewes!   Look if your electric can!  There keeps coming up this concert concrete that concerns us:


‘Knotting Hill

                          Nothing Will

                          You go nuts!

                           With your kills!

                           Adam Ant

                           Atom Bomb

                            Bumbs whatever

                            A Bim Bomb Boom.’”


               And Trixie added:




  Saddle Life

  You sure have a Saddening Might.”


               Then Alice consoled her:


                         “One and One, that makes Two

  Tooth to Tooth, they can make Rats

  Yet Your husband is a fellow

  With any Tin Holders as his sport

  He is just some Turtle Loot!”


               That caused Ralph to pick up the microphone, “I see Light Life Jim, but not as we know it.  It is Ionic.  Not Moronic.  Apostle Sonic.  No, I am not sick.  I just swish away.  I’ll  sure be sick tonight.  If that’s the first meteorite that hit me right.”

               And a guy in one of the rooms stuck out his head and said, “I fish for prey.  I’ll mash the strays.   See me visit oxygen breaths at their height.  You Ash Tray!”

               Ed then stopped him and said, “I want you be held up, so I can cease this here bomb.”

               There was the  “Exploring Mar’s Sun” show playing on Ralph’s Bus’ TV.  It showed a universe that is made of sodium.  All over there runs up a solar system that is solely nitrogen.  Their comets kept yelling “Nitrites Die!  Oxidazium!”

               When they landed those Pencil Carbonites began leaving the bus.  In the mean time there’s been a disgustingly diagnosed thing with individuality disease.  No wonder it is always ill at ease.  Ease is East and West is Best and Newer Mark Twains shall be read.  And not be dreaded. 

“Everyone had  neutrons at forty-seven and a half degrees angled since flying at Seven Thousand Five hundred and Fifty Four light clouds old.  That sure has passengers’ sciences sleet for just trying out some astral projections.  Many kept saying projections,  but others said protections.  Let’s call this whole thing warped.  You got magnetism from half moons, but that black hole sure does not last, or cast.  It just blasts.  Gravity is as Gravity does!”

That was told to Trixie by a piece of Space Dust just because he was trying to adsorb her. 

That caused Trixie to run to Alice and shout:






                 Which is his Self?



                 Bell Fish?


                 Oriis he just smelling like Gell Fish?”


To which, Alice replied, “Are you a Werewolf?  Did you really see a Pentagram?  Or was that just the Pentagon?  You had pointed to it Five Times.  That is the Star.  You are not the Star that you think you are.  He is not a small fish.  He is a Wall Fish.  Even though His Waffles made him a Wall Full.  To me he is My Awe Full.”

And Trixie said, “I think it is Strange that that is their Culture.  That is just where Cults Cheer.  And they are all in Custody.  Ed keeps trying to be their Custodian.  That is just his Custom.  And a Demon.  He sure is Demonstrative.” 


                                                                      I hope you had fun reading this                                                                                                                      I also hope you read some of THESE


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