Saturday, June 22, 2024

I'll Corrode Again

               I was digging in a path which ran  along the side of the road into town.  That was when I looked   down, saw, and picked up a fossil which I told people was a fern.  I said  that because that thing was as firm as a rock could be, but it looked like a plant.  Think about it.  Something as firm as the upper layers of your skin.  And that Fern is not just a deepening part  of your hair.  Look at me!   I live on your arm and I keep dying because someone who is armed keeps saying that he shot right through you.  You’re the one who threw your hands up and it was I who keeps throwing up as I die, all around here.  And he lies all around.  You’re the one who had to lie around and now you have to lie in your casket, under ground.  Your world is now the one that is ground.  While the rest of our worlds rave.  Rave!   Grave!   Wave!   Whatever!  Or is it Water Ever?  I am not Doctor Waterson.  You think you are Sherlock at Home.  You act like Shylock from the Merchant Of Venice.  You are really Shell Shocked by your living on Venus.  At least the rest of  the universe can rest.  The musical score has a giant rest note.  You do your best and I did it for your rest of my life, and you sure are a pest for the rest of the world is in the forest.  You say it is your restitute.  I think it is your rectitude.  Dude!  Restrict Oh Me.  Restrict Mama.  And my horn keeps tooting while my neighbors keep polluting because your friends keep looting all your minions.  Those are all your aluminions.  It is just all nonsense from your nose scents which is getting paid.  And you say I am making no cents.  You sure are a sensation, you horse’s face.  You miniature minotaur.   What about your stormy horses knee.  Don’t you know that Needled Dee gets Needless Done.  Boy!  Some people are so dumb!  Dim Bomb de Boom Box.  You are the Dunk of this Force.  

               Now I hear someone singing:

                              Odor! What can that matter be?

Look at My Rear and say ‘See what I’ve splattered, gee!’

I’ll just Drink Beer, those glasses will make me better, hee

hee hee hee hee You shouldn’t complain about my air


               In the public you say about me, “It’s his mannerisms.”  But to your friends you tell them, “It’s his manurisms.”

               You think you are flying high, but, where there’s an Orvile there’s a Wilbur.  Am I Right or am I Right?  You sure are not a Wilbur.  What your Gene’s  sure are is a Wilder.  So just Get out that door!  You can sleep on the floor.  I don’t want to buy any more.  You claim to be religious!   Ha Ha.  Atom and Eve?  No!  No Way!  You just want a Dame with something up her sleeve.

               You sure make me sick.  Sick.  Sick?  I just went to the doctor and asked, “Doc, is this my sick month follow up?”   Then the Doctor said, “No!  This is your every month foul up!”  And I replied, “Me?   Coming here sure makes me Chicken.  I guess this really is my Fowl Up!”

               I’m glad I just flew out of there.  Or did I get flu out of there?  Oh!   How I wish I had Climbed It!  Instead, It was so much of some Slime Spit!  And I’ll never see that I’m a Centipede Again!  Maybe I can be a Centipede’s Centerfold.

               And what do you do? When I trim a plant, I know what I do.  When you trim you pants it already had been done.   And if you would have just done it, it would not be the donut it is now.  You said that you couldn’t cut that mustard but you sure do cut that cheese.


               Just sing again:

                              Forever you look like a toad my boy

And don’t ever make me owe em

You call yourself Nadia from Bengalia

You’re just a tishman squid

Nobody misses you when you roe.


               Well, my friend, I am not just fed up with these politicians.  I am also fed up with those business owners that raise their own prices so they can buy off more politicians so they can get more money for themselves.  They buy them and we are the ones that have to pay for it.  So, wart they Flowers or just a war using Flours?  You said that  you gave them to me to powder me up.   Was that  so I can be your crispy crunchy chicken?  Well, I certainly am chicken.

               While other Chickens are Clucking

               I will just keep Ducking, You Duck King, I’ll be singing, while that Bee’s Stinging:


                              Putin on the Ritz  about the Big Bang a coming

Trying too hard to learn to play the cello

LA Who?   Doodle Do?  Monkey Chew?

Should I just Finda Owl or The Mindless Awl

Is that Awl Full when it breaks things open?

Mama Owl

LA Nose

LA Crows

LA Pose

A Nostril or a No Thrill


               Then you called out, “Ohura What can we do?”

               I said, “The Klingons want Spock.”

               You responded, “I’m just part of the crew.”

               And you asked again, “Ohura, what can we do?”

               To which I agreed, “Beam me up, Oh Snotty beam me up!”

               And he asked, “Is that at Warp Speed or is it your Warped Mind?”

               That caused me to  say to him, “Look, up in the sky.  It is a pair of Sols, it is a pair of silt tons, a parrot air room thick. But the Scent is Usual.   Even though the nose knows.  I have a lot of fort arguments around this house.”

               Then Snotty asked me, “Did you say that you got a goatee?”

               And I told him, “Nope!   All I’ve ever been was a goatie.”

               That was when you ordered Snotty, “Bean us Up!    Up!  Up!  Up, cup, lap dance up, a babbling pup, erupt, sup!   We don’t want to be tupperware if he won’t shut up!”

               Snotty then reply sang:

                              Super Grimy Against Me Thing

Sinking losers after meeting

Superior History Art defeating


               To witch I just said:







And did you straighten this whole thing out by telling us, “A devoted constitution  will be devoid of cost institutions when you devour it costs too son!”


               So, as I left, we harmonized:


               We’ll be Gone  Free

As Free  as a Widow

As Seen Free  through that Window

Just Scream Free while we fall on that Dart.




                                                 If you had some fun reading this                                                                                                                   I would have some fun if you read some of THESE 

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