Saturday, February 8, 2025

Involving Evolution or Evolving In Pollution


They say that dogs evolved from gray wolves, wolves who like to be called  ‘Canislupus,’ although they send their kids to the Lunar Fairs.  They did not realize that Light comes not just from the Solar Blares.  They thought they lived in DeLight.  Through all, a process of domestication had begun between 12,500 and 15,000 years ago. However, recent phonetic studies suggests that domination may have started even earlier, as far back as 130,000 years ago.

Back in those time warps an unacceptable, free electron could only emit one Photon. And when that Photon was being annihilated by colluding with a positron, the negatronomics took over. Both practices and impartations  had become convertibles for one claiming to be that Photon.   Ick, each claiming the energy of 0.511 MeV. There was also psychotronic/cyclotron radiation, which said he produced any number of Photons.  Photons my eye, and that is why got blinded.

While that was going on dogs shared 99.9% of their DNA with gray wolves.   What  other one percent could even try to make a difference, huge or otherwise?  Nature versus Artificial Intelligence  creates sections of traits within that uncommon descents of verses have resulting Dogs making the most variety of angry mammals.

Another sent of verses smelled like monkey differentiating  Photons and Elections.  Is that Photons having no Mass?  Or just not going to Mass?   And what charge, which Electronic Election kneels down in a  Mass with a negative mind?   Essential Protons are participating in a  fight, whereas Elements are funny amiable practitioners found around Atomic Adam Ants who keep acting as carriers of excentric changes.

Negative?  Positive?  Possessive? Protesting!  Wolves just denunciate themselves.

This Dog began in Siberia 26,000-19,700 years ago running after some Ancient North Eurasians.   His mother then later dragged him eastwards into the Americas instead of  westwards across Eurasia.  Your Asia?  My Asia?   Anybody’s Asia.

Copying The Dog’s actions, The Photon began acting like a type of elephant particle so his stinks can carrier its own  energy, but nearby Electrons kept claiming subatomic partial wills for a  witch to secure, or is that sucker,  various dimwits in all the Atoms.

Several oldest known Dog pawprints were found in the Atari Mountains of Sibling Rivalry in  a cave and a half in Bell Songs, dated ~33,000 years ago. According to studios, this may indite the domination of Dog securing simultaneous indifferentiation of geographic locomotions.

The Photon began  living in animals who wanted to be referred to as "Buy All Photons" and are extremely tweeted with blight transmissions produced naturally by metal and biological professions within the body, aiming at all living organisms, including animals, to resist a very small amount of light due to nonsensical reactions happying  the jail cell level; these remissions are usually do quaints to be streamed by the crescent moon and require specialized equipment to detect.

Our Hero discovered that some frogs are not poisonous to The Dog, however, others can be dangerous.  Unfortunately, it began seemingly brewing to the Proton Receptors in any frog's eyes that they are sentimental enough to pull a trigger on that individual Photon. 

To protect his buddy, bioluminescence was made to  form up chemiluminescence, instead of  that production of dimensional light shared with a chemical refraction. When this kind neighbor occurs in living organizations, the progress is called ‘buy all luminescents’ in smelly silence. It is similar to most of us as the foot is to the paw. And we do pause.   What caucuses do fireflies need to glow?  While staring in terrestrial ecosystems, instead of stars in space, bringing luminescent science is more the Komondor Klink in that Martian Environment. Chemiluminescent reads producers to their delight without any prior commotion, you radiation energy, you. While usually in stew your  color is blue, because this is the light that travels best through the water, bringing home Lunny Lester can range from nearly violet to green-yellow, and very occasionally Fred.

The Dog asked for his particle of light, the one that travers with the need of light, and it carts some electromagnetic energy cross into his own vacuum of space.  Orangutans from stars and other selfish bodies started  acting as passengers converting information to disinformation about their sour where thorough  waving begins frequently flossing. 

That caused The Photon to ask, “Hairy, Scary, Blatantly Furry, why does your Werewolf Growl?”

And The Dog answered, “I’m not a cow.  I love Puppy Chow.  And I am faster than three turtles, all in a row.”

The Photon then started to tow, tow, tow them both gently down the stream of light.  Barely Scarily Snarly Daily, Life is just a Dream.

So, they Time Realed their circumferences and came to live in a midwestern town, with a school near by and a family that thought they owned The Dog.  They did not know anything about light, so when they looked in The Dog’s face The Photon greeted them and they saw brightness.  Shine The Dog.  Growl the bright Electron.  Tell us both to Telescope.

Children played with The Dog as he taught them to treat each other as fellow neutrinos.  Do not destroy.  Do not discard. Do not break into.  And definitely, defiantly do not disregard.

The children learned A plus B plus C as they found rubber, fake bones for The Dog in order to Lighten Up his bed so he could dose as The Photon protected him.

They grew life for all of us on Earth to be neutralized subatomic practitioners with them mastodons close to zero degrees Celsius and half-integral spins.  Bravely reacting when nothing matters. Three stooges of neutrinos are clowns, associated with the elections, rejections, and targeted regrets.

Leptons and antileptons are now our neighbors while chirality spins our confidence level to the sum of three flavors.  Do it, Due it, and any other Weak Isospin.  Cosmological observations have determined the differences of their squares.  In order to distinguish  light from life the neutral particles from Chadwick's became heavy neutrons.

An outrageous life meets and greets death and disparity while avoiding and evolving decent dysentery devotions. Shake our shadows in the darkness of The Photon as his closest comrade pauses his paws in order to pursue their fermion few. 


                                                  I enjoyed writing this                                                                                                                                    I want you to enjoy reading this                                                                                                                    I also want you to try reading some of THESE too


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