Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ions Repelling Protons Attract Life As We Don't Know It

               I’m walking home and get tapped on the back of my neck.  Then this guy told me, “I heard you road a horse.”

               I apparently wasn’t certain what he said, I asked, “Why are you saying that I ‘Owed a Horse’?”


               That caused him to grin and he started singing to me:


                            “Now here on, please

Everyone has a lease, or their leash,  on. 

You must sure show how you glisten.  I know you don’t listen. 

About that worm that sure is at your command. 

Isn’t that a bite on you and me?”


               To go along with him I melodied:


                            “Now here man, keep your business

You sure think you’re not messed up

I wish you would break up all of your commands.”


               He then said, “To me, you sure sound like an Arid.”

               I then asked, “Why do you think I’m a Red Head?”

               He replied, “You really have your Reeds Dead!”

I gave up and walked away.  Then I began noticing that these sidewalks had been cleaned lately and now you can see a lot of cracks in them.

               There must have been a lot of Ammonia water mussing the walkways.  That Ammonia has been used for the village by their workers.  If you are a village worker you have a dorm you can live in and you are provided with work clothes and non-work clothes.  Hardly any of my clothes work, but that’s another story.  Here, according to their rules, your underwear must be collected at the end of each day, or when the sun is supposed to rise, if you are responsible for the evening tasks, requirements, needs.  Each day, all the collected underwear is washed the next morning, that is both from the night that just ended and those used the day before.  After one crew dries them, they are sorted by size.  Your variety of sizes is kept up to data on your ‘paperwork.’  At each end of the week, you get delivered to your container in your dormitory, the fitting underwear you will need for the week to come.  And you will also get versions of your other cleaned clothes for those days to come.  Your ‘paperwork’ is just called ‘paperwork.’  But it is, in reality, a group of databases managed by the village.  In memorial they call your identification and upkeep, ‘paperwork.’

               I have several aluminium parts of the body.  My body.  Such as my waist bones and my neck frame.  Then again, my legs and knees are iron.  My spine is silicon.  You might call where my spine ends, my silicon valley.  My rear view sure is silly and as a con, my fumes are aromatic.

               The guys in the beds around me are pretty much feldspars and granites. We call one of them Gneiss because he changed so much that he is now pleasant.  Or is that a peasant?   I think he is getting sedimental. He recently metamorphosized.

               Some of us are water blobs, with our cellular hydrogen attracting groups of nitrogen.

               I rust occasionally because I wear the village’s required fiberglass bubble.  Peroxide is supplied to keep me alive. 

               Last month I visited a place that really was one station, under logs, in the digitals, with cut down trees, glacial liars, and just ice for all.  Fluidity is lost more today you know, than it was when we had warmth years ago. 

Our current glacier told me so, so Snoot Ptoot, what a calf.

               Since I now realize, and feel, what and how my original guardian taught and cared for me, I now try to make friends with many of whom I see.  I try not to care if I don’t start feeling like fighting with them first.  Like that guy that was ‘Horsing Around.’  I wish I didn’t repel him.  That is ‘repel’ not ‘re smell’ or ‘rebel.’  The other week I met a woman who was a bit older than me.  I think she bit the older me.  She started telling me, “My uncle has Pancreatic Cancer.  That got me to thinking about our past president who fell under his bone spur doctor.   He has been forcing us to use and pay for different stuff that will give our Democracy Cancer.”


               I told her that she pointed out to me:


                           “Curly Que is missed today you know

Along with our Shemp, Larry, and Moe

You little Stoogies told me so

Peep Veep

Got me pie in the face.”


               And she answered me:


                              “Shemper won’t Fiddle Less

  We want to get Shempified Alias

  Wait till Shemp Fooled Us At Las and A Lack.”


               I agreed:


                            “Early to bed

Easily to trump

Will Make our country

Stuck in the  dump.”


               She asked me, “Do you think that will be ‘Awful’, or are one of those who find it ‘Awe Full’?”

               I said, “That sounds like the difference between  ‘Levis Jeans’ and  ‘Elvis’ Jeans!’”

               She replied, “You sure are science fictionish. I will call you ‘Sleepy Oh Three Pee Oh.’”

               I then decided to rust out my pyrated thought keepers and nitrogenize them with several exhales which I haled out from my fiberglass bubble onto those so called people walking around me.  Dust and rust must be thrust into a trust.  I am really just.  And I now drink mercury while I eat sapphire valleys.  You can think what you want, which is what you are thinking, and Knott Watt I think.

               Electricity takes lungs away you know.  Tanned it is while those gongs rang in a row.  A little birdy ate my crow.  Cheap Cheap is my will.

               Sleep and eat.  Walk and talk.  Chill and kill. I must just go along and work my sweaty skull into those performing these arithmetic equations so I can keep  those air breathers alive and their rich people happy.  I recently, decently, and in criminally, directed a skunkle to send sounds towards one area of our business desks while reflecting several light pulses across this factory.  Since paper is man made and gold is under our feet we always look up to those noses as we dig our way to the city next to my brother’s polluted lake.

               Who are you to say, when I am thinking and feeling and heart pulsating, while those coppers crumble skims with their celluloid, gels which you told me they not only compute but define and predict, this arisen carbo-nucleic acids and magnetic star dust which has enearthed the articular place you squat at.


                                                                If you had some fun reading this                                                                                                                    I hope you have some fun                                                                                                                              Reading THESE

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Keeping Up With The Losers


               I was walking down the street and a person tapped me on the shoulder and asked, “Have you Applied?”

               I looked at him, and then I looked around myself to see where I was at.  I was walking past a book store and a grocery store.  I was going to the bus stop so I could get home.  I told him, “No.  Apparently, I am Ape Led.”

               He then said, “Oh!  So, it is your Ape that Lied.”

               And I told him, “I can easily see that you are not an Allied.”

               He snarled and said, “It may be E Silly for you.  I guess I need your pardon.  I am an Alien.”

               I then reached out my hand and said, “Well, let me introduce myself.  I am the Adam.”

               He grabbed my hand strongly and replied, “I see now!  You are just and Atom.”

               I agreed, “It sure is Icy Now.  And you see me as Atom Ick!”

               He said, “At least I am not the one in jail. I’m Great and Urine Carcerated.”

               I put on a frowning face, “ I’m the Grand One.   You just Grate on Me!”

               He looked at me, “You keep saying you’re appealing.”

I replied, “We all know you’re appalling.

He groaned, “You think you are revealing.”

I shook my head, “You sure are revolting.”

He yelled, “You keep stealing.”

I said, “You have a steel mouth.  Can’t you keep it shut?”

He answered, “I’m just concealing”

I said, “No you’re Not.  You are always clawing.”

He told me, “Okay.  Now I’m withdrawing.”

I said, “Let’s call this whole thing Daft.”

He barked at me, “You’re such a Schemer.”

I talked, “You will make my Dreams Viler.”

He called out, “You must want to be a President.   You’re another one Incarcerated.  Let’s call the Democracy Lost.”

As we were walking, I saw a sign that read, “Remember those who give their lives for this country.”

And it was a sign on a store whose owners keep telling us, “Elect the people who keep giving their lies to this country.”

I read it and told my non friend, “This whole world.  Every where I go.  It seems we are just in Ireland or Rhineland.”

He told me “They are both small areas of people ruled by a big group of Nazis that own their continents.”

I agreed. “Life sure is Impaling.”

He said, “I keep seeing a Furry Trim.”

I said, “The moon is Glowing.”

He said, “There is always a Mirror Showing.”

I agreed again, “Let’s call that Old King Kong.”

He started saying to me, “Geepers!”

And I asked him, “What are you saying to me, Kreeper?”

He gave me the question, “I want to know ‘Why do you keep getting so Creepier?’”

I told him, “Killers.”

He said, “That makes it Thrillers.”

Again, I asked him, “Why do you want to make me Die?”

He answered me, “I do it because I am one of the Church Heads.”

I asked him, “What kind of Church Head are you?”

He replied, “I am a Gory Mary Church Head.”

I told him, “Well, we don’t have to wait to see you Sin.”

He then stuck out his fingers and told me, “I am not Spock.  And I don’t like being Mocked.  But I really want to tell you to ‘Live lung with the proper air.’”

I reacted, “Did you mean that I can only have a ‘Live Lung with Purchased Air’?”

He said, “You keep getting ‘In My Hair!’”

I then asked him, “Do you remember when your neighbor played his bellows and you gave him more than a punch?”

He said, “That was at the store, or was it the White House.  Over the loud speaker they were blasting  ‘Clean Up On Liar 45.’”

I spat out to him, “Today we should honor the people that died for protecting our country.  The rest of the year we are ordered to honor that man with bone spurs.”

He began singing:


               “I’m an old cow hand

  I have a hoof that can.”


               I sang back:


“Have you heard of Bovine?

  You’re the herd that can .”


               He then said to me, “You don’t get it, do you?  Light is the absence of cold.  Matter is the absence of emptiness.  Life is the insistence of death.  Order is the absence of randomness.  Wet is the absence of arid.”

               And I told him, “You don’t get it?  I don’t get it!  Don’t you see?   I can’t get by in this world.  I can only move forward.  It is my job to bus tables.  It’s like you are my boss and you keep telling me that I don’t do it right.  That I should have all those plates out of there and run through the dish washer ten minutes before the people at that table finished their meal and got up and left.    Let us just break bread and eat the cheese.  But all you do is cut that cheese.  I asked you to ‘Let Us’ and you just treat me like Lettuce.”

And he bounced back, “Oh!  What mean things I have done!  I guess I am wrong.  I guess I was wrong at school.  I thought I had learned and understood,  instead I was just mimicked.”         

I reflected, “You’re the one who keeps telling me I am wrong.  I am wrong at home.  I am wrong at school.  I am wrong at work.  Don’t you see?  What I do does work.   What I do does not rob people.”

He then came back, “Well, according to you, I am wrong at church.  You’re the one that says I make mistakes.  Well, I realize I make mistakes, and you do not see that I learned how to exist with other people.”

I answered, “According to you, I am wrong day after day.  Hour after hour.  From when I wake up to when I go to sleep.  Wrong job.  I don’t support.  I don’t hate properly.  I am me and I am wrong.  I am just that air head.  Full of hot air.  You keep calling me ‘Fred Reeks’, ‘Knee Jerk’, ‘Man Spam’ and especially ‘Garbage Man.’”

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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Magnets and Electrons make the Stellar Bus a Celler Bus


Honeymooners in Space

Universe 13, Planet 35

35th Chapter of the Stellar Bus



               Ralph was landing his Stellar Bus in the Ho'oleilana Bubble.  He told Ed to expect those boarding to be recently married.  They are Minerals attracted to Living Cell Beings.  Ralph informs Ed about this, “We are flying these pairs off to a Couples’ Weekend.”

               Ed replies, “You’re the one who should try being into Pears some time, instead of all that Cake you Take.  These beings may be a Couple’s Weekend, but You sure are the Weak End of that Kramden Couple.”

               Ralph reacted, “Well, a lot of times when I see you and Trixie together, it sure looks like you are Dis Coupling.  You both sure are This Coop.” 

                Ed answered, “Well, with your hunger, you sure act like we are  in the Chicken Coop.”

               Ralph then said over the loud speaker system, “Good Evening you people from the Perseus–Pegasus Filament.  I want you to know that I am trying to make your life and crystallization as happy and safe as possible.  Those of you who don’t float on air or are not magnetically repulsed into our direction are welcomed  to take the smooth operator running board escalator.

               “Orbitar and Taphao Thong seam like nice places to declare you are alive.  We hope you seem and steam to enjoy yourselves on the trip I am providing.  Along with me you will be assisted by my working agreement Ed.  He takes care of the Physics and Flushings inside our comet like Space Bus. 

               “Please enter in which ever way possible as we will be taking off in Eighty Four point Six International Systems of Units.  It will be seventy three point four light days for us to reach the meeting of Taphao Kaew and  Dimidium where you will unload and enjoy yourselves.”

               Ed then said to the loading formats, “I’d like to recite the Captain Video Ranger pledge to you, what I call, people:  ‘I, Edward L. Norton, Ranger Third Class in the Captain Video Ranger Academy, do solemnly pledge to obey the electrons and minerals that made my mommy and daddy.  I will be kind to dumb animals and old ladies in and out of space, not to tease my little brothers and sisters and to brush my teeth twice a day and drink milk after every meal. ‘”

               Lodestone and his very attracted Sialylated Glycoprotein told Ed, “You are very impetigo.  My orbiter and I are harbinger that you are here.”

               Ed said, “Your suite it is.”

               Then Magnetite and Zeta Potential rolled the aisle past Trixie as she told them, “Whoever said the Age of Chivalry is dead was right. I know the two guys that killed it. Oh, Zeta, your campaign has been a complete flop.  Flopping right into Magnetite’s heart.”

               Zeta then asked Trixie, “Well.  How's your plumbing?”

               And Trixie replied, “Still broken. I never thought Ed would work eight hours in a sewer and I’d come home wanting to see more water!”

               That’s when Visco Elestatic snuck up to Ralph and whispered to him, “You can take your wife out of the sewer.”

               And Ralph agreed, “But you can’t take the sewer out of my friend, Ed.”

               Erythrocytes poked Ralph and said, “My husband sure is an Electric Eel at times.”

               Ed then said, “Quit calling us guys, Electric Catfish!”

               Pyrrhotite stood up for his wife, Erythrocytes, and said, “You’re all a flock of Oriental Hornets!”

                The couple, Alkaline and Ulvospinel, “Where do you recommend we orbit?  Which  Places in our Spaces?”

               Ralph recommended, “Hercules–Corona Borealis Great Wall.”

               Ed said, “Quasars!  My wife and I love Planets with Quasars.”

               Trixie then said, “Let them discover their own Contiguous Features!”

                Alice agreed, “You don’t want to force them into our Incompatible Cosmologies.”

               That was when Zinc-Carbon strolled past with both Green Jadeite and Green Nephrite.  Aarhus began snuggling with Lead Acid.  Lithium pulled Nakhla into their room.  

               Alnico  the lonely Aluminum-Nickel-Cobalt, looked sad as he wandered to his room himself.

               Alice asked him, “If you’re alone, why don’t you go to the bus’ bar?”

               Alnico said, “Since I’m made up of aluminum, nickel, and cobalt, I am magnetic.  I still cannot attract any ferric nitrate cells.  Even at the bars.  And bars are made of metal.  They sure attract magnetites like me.   I’m tired of clinging on to bars. Gold Rust.   Silver Rust.  For me I can’t find a live or lied biological cell.  I’ve even tried to  Buy Illogical Cells.  The best I can get is Copper Rust. That Copper won’t even give me A Penny for my thoughts.  I just get Appendicitis for my Gouts.”

               That made Alice point him out to Trixie and she whispered, “He might hope he was Silicon the Millionaire.  Then he would not be alone or need a lone.” 

Trixie smiled and said, “Or Silly Cone, what Ed wears on his head.”

Ed then snickered, “I’d rather not be A Head of Ralph.”

Ralph then said, “I have - I've got an explanation. All right.  I’m not a perfect Cone.  Just call me a dope. But I’m not a run-of-the-mill dope, the world's champ. ...”

Alice, “Ralph, I don't want a silly on million. There's just one guy I want: you.”

Ralph, “Baby, you're the greatest. You’re a meteorite Alice.  A real meteorite.”


Then Trixie says to Alice:


You said ‘He Shouts’

And Alice said, I agreed ‘He’s a Loud Mouth’

We all hoped ‘He had Conceded’

That’s when Alice said  ‘He’s Conceited’


‘He Shouts’

‘Loud Mouth’



They both went “Let’s call the whole thing ‘Ralph’”


He told you ‘Call this a Star Cruiser’

And I agreed, ‘We are just Losers’

Then you said, ‘ They’re Sure Snoozers’

And I said, ‘They’re really Boozers’


‘Star Cruiser Losers’

‘Snoozers who are Boosers’

Let’s call this whole thing ‘Ralph’


He never knows if it’s  ‘Night or Day’

He just calls everything ‘Solar Ray’

He points at them, ‘You Pay Here’

And You warn, ‘He’ll get it with a Laser’


‘Not Our Day’

‘So Far Away’

‘Pay Here’

‘With Laser’

Let’s call this whole thing ‘Ralph’


               Then they teared and finally smiled, hugged, and said:


               He wouldn’t have heard us call all  ‘Ralph’

He never listens, let’s keep our scalp

Life keeps going on just like we’re dead

And he blames it all on ‘Ed’

Remember, we’re in this whole thing because of ‘Our Ralph.’

                                                              I Hope You Had Fun Reading This                                                                                                                Maybe                                                                                                                                                            You will have fun reading some of THESE

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Warm Up To Worms


               That worm was not certain, but obtained its current and correct thoughts and actions that enabled me to advance my physical, emotional, educated, and memorized self when I ate what other human beings left clinging to various barbeque grills.  That worm provided and provoked and proved to itself and me that I would, could, should, and did eat certain obtained materials found in bags and bunches that humans threw out or forgot.

               I was taught by the worm to make friends with snakes, moles, and apple roots.

               I am not prejudicing or prejudging them.  I feel I am made up of them.  You may think I am made up often.

               In case you didn’t know it, Lumbricus terrestris is a large, reddish worm species.  Many humans consider them  to be natives in Western Europe.  However, if you look on the ground, any ground, they are  widely distributed around the world along with several other lumbricids. In some areas they are new and not just visiting, you got to introduce yourselves to these selves.   I sure hope some people stop considering these guys to be significant pests of out of grounders.  Like any other living thing, not all worms are native worms.

               Look under Europe. They host the largest naturally occurring species of earthworm, typically reaching 20 to 25 cm in length, which is  extensive and exciting.

               Their activities are usually tempered and humiliated by temperature and humidity. They say ‘High’ to the soils and ‘Good Night’ to various air temperatures.   They exhibit activities, such as digging low for night moisture, if they are in a dry soil. Digging sucks at  times, particularly in the summer when these worms try to provide us treats from the deepest parts of their burrows. Winter distempers can also reduce happiness, while they feel they are in wartimes, which continue through winter.

               My guardian introduced me to some Lumbricus terrestris who are obligatorily biparental, some people call them ‘The Hermaphrodite Worm.’  That is because they reproduce sexually with individuals mutually exchanging their sperms.   Copulation happens in front of  various humans right on the soil surface.  These guys’ partners remain anchored in their burrows causing many mating rituals which are  preceded by their ritual mutual burrow visits between neighbors. Unfortunately, when some of these mates separate, one of them might be pulled out of its burrow because some non-caring human is going fishing.  Fishing frequency is relatively high in the spring and summer. The relative rise of dead mates  disturbs many underground husband-wives.  They chant of being bragged about in order to relieve  their suffering.  They eventually rejoin the size-related fecundity causing all to play their key roles in their mating with other nightcrawlers.

               You asked me ‘How do they have babies?’  I’ll tell you again, their sperm is stored for as long as 8 months, and many mated individuals produce cocoons for up to 12 months after the mating.  Yes, cocoons, not buffoons.   Didn’t you know that there are cocoons under ground?  Creating kids, fertilization takes place in the cocoon and the cocoon is deposited in a small chamber in the soil adjacent to their paid up burrows. Within a few weeks, happily, young worms emerge and begin to feed in the soil. I remember being fed in the soil.  In their early juvenile phases, these worms do not develop the activity of  borrowing as you typical humans do.  Their adulthood is likely to require a minimum of one year of development, with many of them reaching maturity in their second years.  My guardian, my friend, my adopted parent took care of me for many, many years.  The natural lifespan of L. terrestris is unknown, though individuals have lived for six years before being hooked, lined, and used to attract fish near their humans’ boats’ sinkers.


               How long will I live?







Just Who Leaves

Jest Who Lies

And Look At Those Flies.


               Then you asked me:


                         Have You  Seen A Stone?

Was It In You, A Store?

Will You Take A Risk?

I Think  We Will Call You An Asterisk!


               You told me about a load of fish, a load that you called a school.  You also pointed out a group of flies. You called them a swarm.  You’re the one who called that swarm.  When it gets warm you will get swarmed by mosquitoes.  You should try to join the worms in the ground.  At least you won’t get ground up.

                                                  I Hope You Read This                                                                                                                                    I Also Hope You                                                                                                                                            Read Some Of THESE