Saturday, October 12, 2024

Life Is Work, Where Is The Pay Check?


               Get it together with those who work with you. It does not matter that your boss is taking advantage of yous.  If it is for work, it is for work. If It is obviously for himself, then just ignore him and put him down.  If it is for work, your boss’s boss and your boss’s company owners are using him similarly to the way he uses you.  And he is being told to use you or he would lose his job.

               You must eat, drink, and breath to stay alive.  And that is not ‘Eat, Drink, and be Merry,’ it is just like that spider crawling up the wall past those oiled chain springs in order to get from one place to another.  You do this and I do that and we all do something that makes no sense.

               I program now.  I cooked years ago.  I cleaned sinks before that.  I sold stuff nobody really wanted, shoe, suits, printer paper.  I never stole stuff, although I saw people who did.  A lot of times it was the managers who did.  Even my own father did, at work, although I never saw him steal from a store.  These people were told to buy them things and I was told to sell them.  My grade school friend, whose father was a policeman, stole from the Ben Franklin store.  He took me and my older brother with.  My older brother stole too.  I did not.  Although, one time I took a coffee can full of bees and put them into the coffee grinder at Jewel. That’s another story.

Now, it is just ‘The Lion Lies Out to the Lamb.’

This is ‘Khaos.’

Are those people Evangelicals or are they Evil Devil Icicles?  Maybe they really are Even Jolly Bulls.  Hey, how about Every Jelly Bowls?  Did I say that you have Jelly Bowels?  No, it is Even Decimal Equals.   And you just go “EEEE!  Man, that  Disciple Sure Squeals.”

And how about, just when I got married to the Marina Towers.  Did you know that our children are the Sub Burps.  Well, it is better than those Surp Flurps.  And , I am now getting rational thoughts.  We all see that you used up all your rations.  I myself have cycling thoughts.  You asked me, ‘Are they recycled?’  I keep telling you, ‘No, they are try cycled and unique cycled.’  You should keep thinking it over and over again. That is your sicko cycle.  We all know that you’re the one who’s thinking sure is psycho.  Over and Over, you open an opine.  Well!  My thinking is formative and well formed.   And you claim that your thinking is just well farmed.   Yes, you keep your thoughts in a silo. See, your thoughts cause people to sigh because they are so low.  Many people think that your thoughts are low because you are slow.  You just  think you are doing a solo.  Boy, your thinking is so out of tune.

Try to tell yourself that the Devil May Care.  Instead of that Your Devil Days Scare.  All you get are days scar.  You can’t even go off in a car.  You claim you are The Bull Masker.  The truth is, you are just one of The Dull Masters.  Oh, Lord God of Chimps.  These Jungles and Swamps are filled with your Gorillas.

Then you memorize to me, “I’ve been taught that The  ‘Lord God of Ghosts. Heathens on Earth are thrilled with His Gories.’”

I keep telling you, “It is another Category.”

Look it up in the Word God of Books.  The Libraries on Earth were killed with those stories.  You just go on with, “Armed Men, Armed Men, I slay for you.”

You act like you cannot hear me.  You say it is because I am a little horse.  You think  I said, “Farm Men, Farm Men, I spay for you.”  And you tell me, “You are not in a Farm House!  You are just a Far Mouse!”

I have to keep asking you, “Is this My History?  Or His Tory?  This sure ain’t becoming a Me Me Story!”

 Try to remember, not dismember, that I told you “Sew!” I’d rather recycle than have a repeated cyclone.  You’re in your car.  I’m on my bicycle.  That car is your Buy Cycle.  I know, but eye no one, those Unicyclops  You just buy high and keep selling low.  So many of you sellers are in the cellar. I thought I was on the wilderness trail.  I didn’t know I had to be put on trial.  I sure wish we could put Putin on Trial.

One of my obstacles is my obese class.  Put that shake in my Obese Glass.  That is an Off Sent To Me. Your Space Invaders are my Spiced Insiders.  Everything is a bunch of spiders.  I wish you knew what I mean when I told you I spied in a hearse.  I didn’t troll you  So don’t keep horsing around you Phony Pony. Where’s that Rest Room so I can Rest More?  I can then give myself more room.  If this is above me, you sure are being Room Attic.  You Just Attack One and then the other.

 This all causes me to ask myself, because I sure can’t ask you.   “Are you being just  an Ants Sure?    Or is it that you are pro-demo crazy?  Are you really Demon Icy?  No, you are just pre-supper messy.”

My boss ordered me, “In the height of Ignites.  Tell Emotion of the Jog.”


I questioned myself, “Foot Fall Players?

                                    Squirrel Assures?

                                    Spiral Asserts?”


You then tell me, “Stop all that Squirrel Abuse.  Get going. Get on that Roosevelt Road.”

I asked you, “Did you just say that Rosie Felt A Toad?”

You asked, “Are you doing this because it is  Rosha Shana or is that what Russia Shown Us?”


I just sung out


               Space Needles

   Orbits that spin

   A moon with eclipse

   Is a moon that spins


               Which caused you to sing


                              Poop On Me

      Poop On You

      Poop On Top of Us


You sure are a Grave Poop On


               So, I just flew away:


                              Earth Raders across this universe

      Lookie, Loki, over there

      He’s a Jerk who calls himself Kirk


                                              I hope you liked reading this                                                                                                                          I hope you like reading some of THESE



Saturday, October 5, 2024

I Know It Is Me, Because I No It Is Not Hue


               The dust in my wings brought me to Mars.  Venus is too full of fog and other Bubble Pops for a Rustable like me to land.  Land?  Land!  Mars has Land!  Venus has Oceans!  And Swamps!  I would rust for sure over there and over theirs.  Think about what I would need (and kneed) to do to land on Jupiter or Saturn.  At least Saturn has rings.  I could easily ring around Saturn.  Hover and however, Jupiter has some enjoyable moons.

               Ennie, Meanie, Minie, Moon.  That Earth has one moon with much less gravity than what it clings to.  But you Earth People.  That’s almost the same, and the sane, as your Earth circling that Sun.

               The same almost the insane?  Where the heck did you came from?

               Enter here and enter there.  Enter, enter into eternity.  Weather your eternity.  If you last, and if you are first, you will get my fist.  Whether you like it or not.  Fixture or mixture or fissure your misery, all you Ores are Ionicly Iconic to me.

               Iron in the Air.  Silicone is my Hair.  Troglodyte you’re my snare.  Your radioactivity makes me stare.  Shun.  Bun.  Hun.  Lung.  You always take my breathe away.  And I weigh more on your Earth than your Moon.

               Earthy, Dirty, Squinty and Spoon.  Where does that dust come from?  Magma here and Lava there.  You hear a volcano everywhere.  Did you just Spot One, or is that a Vulcan instead of a Volcano?  A Spock One!

               And if he did not win, at least he got out of jail.  He sure is a loose goose loser.

               Roller Derby.  Role Hurt  Debut.  I am Corny and Acorny.  You always call me nuts cause I’m a lug nuts. You cause me a lot of things.


·        * * * * *


When you feel

Like you miss someone



You hurt


But that is Good Hurt

Because, in the Past

That person, place, or thing

Might have been with you

Or in your mind

Or in your imagination


You can see others

Some who look slightly like you

An Ear

An Eye

Or the sound of their voice or their cough


When they step like your friend

Or grasp their way up the stairs

Gasping like them

And then they yell out


They, being the new people in front of you

Or they, being the past people that passed you on the street

As your treat

In their school

In your home


Or out on the bed rock

Like that bee that lived there, once

Or where you lived, once

Or wanted to


You were stuck doing it

But you  did do it

Or dreamt that you did

Or at least wanted to


You read a book

And the words brought parts of those worlds to your mind

I don’t mind

Thinking about this that and the other things


I have a mind

You do too

Mine It, Mine Me, Mined

You friends

Your Papa

Your Mama

Your Pet Turtle


Even though we are all separate

We share existence


Or Dead

Or never alive, like those quartz crystals

Or thought of

Or felt

Or smelt

Hot or Old

Wet or Cold


On our way

We are souled

And on our feet

We are soled

And by yourself

You are soloed

And well, me, me, me

I am so low

And such a load

That I am not aloud

And definitely not allowed

So, you can’t hear me

Even if you are near me

That is one of your Features

I am one of your Creatures.


·        * * * * *

It started this way as with so many people.  Just like a couple guys are watching the Sox play on a Saturday afternoon.  One gets up for a beer. The other one says: “ Hey Fred! Here’s that commercial I was telling you about.” And Fred answered, “Be right there, Bob.”

               On the TV screen you saw two guys at opposite ends of what looked like a fairly large IPAD on a raised folding table.  Their hands clenched onto the corners of both sides.  They are slightly bent over.  Other than deep breathing and some slight facial tics they are not moving.  They are staring intently at the screen.

               And on the screen, on both ends where each one’s fists are clenched, are two crudely drawn goals.  You know, a couple short thick straight line segments with an inch or two of black space in the middle.  Sort of reminds you of pong (if you are old enough to be reminded of that).  And blinkingly, worse than an old time silent film image, is a little square of light (I guess it’s supposed to be a ball), flashing and haltingly moving from an inch or two above the bottom goal towards the top of the screen where that player is intently staring (and exhaling hard, through open, pursed lips).

               The ball goes off to the left.  Over a few seconds it swings to the right, snakes around, and plops into the goal back at the bottom of the screen.  The man at the bottom lets out a muted, “Yay”, as he let out a breath, smiling stiffly, then the game continues.  The ball starting again at the middle of the screen.

               Fred looked at Bob “Yeah.  I gotta buy that.”  Bob replied, “The way you were into all that meditation stuff in college, I thought you’d  find it interesting.”

               After watching the end of the commercial Fred said, “So it’s a ten week course and the price includes a screen like that to exercise with.  I spent more than that on my Apple Lap Top, and look where it got me.”  Bob quickly interjected, “You spent more than that being taught Auric Vision.”  And Fred softly added, “Yes.  I can’t even see the colors.  Just a person’s outline, and that’s just sometime.  But I do like the meditation.  I feel better when I do it.  And my blood pressure is better.  Anyway, I’m  gonna go to the Attitudes and Aptitudes  store and sign up.”

               Then I described the training process, the different he is to use after Fred starts to get results.  The deeper he can get into it.  We get others jealous of him because it looks like he is psychic.  Others buy into it too.  Eventually there is a mass clamoring for the training and all sorts of devices they can now use.

Turn on the tv while on the couch.  Turn your lights on and off.  Adjust your thermostat.  Combine “mind control – lawn mowers—and roomba “  to mow your lawn at your leisure.


Then the GENERAL noted:

“We are not building games we can play.  We are training ourselves to only use these electronic devices.  We don’t go outside anymore.  We don’t exercise.  We don’t gain any knowledge on how to react to nature, or even how to use other machines.  We only know how to use this company’s (Attitudes and Aptitudes) products.  The items they sell are not made to do waddIe we want (or need) to do.  We are made to do things that require us to use their products.  When the machines are turned off, or when there is a power failure, or a lot of sunspot activity, we can be taken over.”


                                                              I hope you enjoyed reading this                                                                                                                    I hope you will enjoy reading some of these TOO

Saturday, September 28, 2024

From Asteroid To Android, Such Loco Motion


Honeymooners in Space

Universe 12, Planet 36

36th Chapter of the Stellar Bus


               At the moment the Stellar Bus landed in the Transputer’s Nebula, the ship’s Bus Reviver, that thinks he’s Human, Ralph, who seemed awake, welcomed them in.  Ralph felt slicked up with his microphone and talked to the crescents and other astromatic astrometric astro ionic lesions, and their legions:

               “I am glad to act like I see all of you.  And for those of you who don’t believe me, do you really care?  Life is a matter and a lot of you do not matter, or at least have no matter, to me anyway.  This way.  That way.  A hundred and one ways.  I am picking you up from this frozen constellation, allowed lens confrontation, or some other con from a meteoroid, mediator avoid formation. 

               “We take  you here. We take you there.  We take you, rake you anywhere.  But it costs money.  Since you’ve already paid, get on with it.  We have cranks and shafts and hike ways and bike ways to allow you into ‘my’ bus.  I may not own it, but I act like I do, I feel like I do, and I’m a donut like I do.

               “We will be taking off among the Hepitides and seem to scour towards various not quite black holes with promethium stalactites or stalled lag mights or Stalin Flying Mice. Ride on up and ride my bus.  We have seats and rooms and a lot of settling  garbage, garage, and gargoyle areas. 

               “After we shift and shaft and sift and snap for about three million, seven hundred, and a third microsecond we will land on a Caustic Space Dust region.  You will work there, you will visit there, you will be dumped there.  What do I care?”

               Ed then poked Ralph in the stomach and said, “Ralphie Boy!  These are Row Bot water living androids.  Quit being such a Vampire or a Cigarette will cause you to Lose your blood or at least get cancer.”

               Ralph just smiled and said, “Cigar, Said Arrest.  Sig a Child Oaf.”

               Alice tried to explain to Ralph about the Water Row Bots.  “There were uncrewed vehicles like Saildrone in their  long-duration ocean accumulating into robots like those Wave Gliders poking out amphibian systems like the ACM-R5H.  I loved the  snakebots with their Aqua hexapod.  Look at those  deep-sea submersibles telling us they are Aquanautic.    They use propulsion systems for movement and maneuverability. Some power from a tether. I am impressed by their Sensors. How many electronics Soft Robotics do you know?  Ralph, I know you know nothing.   And see their flexible displays. They must have found a way to morph liquid metal into 2D shapes using an electrical charge.  That Gastrobot is meaning literally 'stomach robot.’”

               It appeared to Ralph and Ed that some physical robots carried gallons of liquid robots in glass containers.  Those guys carried them up with others who carried balloons of gas robots along with them.  Still others held plastic bags of dust, sand, and other dried particled robots up to and into Ralph’s Spaciotic Bus.  Mentally and Emotionally built  robots were transported various ways and means and other committees among the rest.

               Sleep robots, active robots, alive robots, several lied robots, sever lying robots, and a herd of geese robots along with those who heard of political robots accompanied friended by, and hated with group derided, divided, defiled, and denied robots, all of which were told they were paid by people that think they are something entering the flying, fleeing, fighting and flea bagging universe.

               Ralph’s company was paid to abduct, induct, redact, preduct, and post partum these “Desecrates as Creators Creatures.”

               Trixie then said, “I don’t like Jellyfishbot.  They are just a bunch of small robots that collect floating waste and oils.”

               Alice said, “Well, this Bellieish robot sure is  a Robber Bot that produces waste while increasing its waist.”

               Ed asked, “Was that an aeolipile, or ‘wind ball’?  I’ve known some  sealed caldrons of water that were placed over many a heat source.”

Which caused Ralph to say, “It’s always all miles above this spacey bomb.”

               Trixie then asked Ed, “How about that PanZobot climbing over there.  See the steamy pockets of dough that are usually stuffed with a great amount of cheese and tomato sauce!”

               And Alice replied, “Trixie, it’s never a dull monument with ether of them.”

               Which caused Ralph to wake up and say, “Fought with my CalZobots.  Those sure were Mean Pants Legs.   I wish I had their broad drinking cups in this state of vile lazed and potted terra cotta like being in a bout to explode with a volcano.”

               And out of one of the sleeping compartments came marching and singing:


                              Adam Man

Adam Man

Clone what ever that Adam Can’t

                              You all fear

With his spies

Get your support

From his lies

My Artificial Intelligence

Adds to your daily negligence





Who said this Adam Can’t


               And they travelled along.   That multiverse was their hypothetical set of all universes. Together, their universes were presumed to comprise everything that exists for them, for others, for all of us.  Some quantum event occurred with ranches of a universal wave function that split every time assurement assortment accruement.  See the nuclear fury of the Suns.  They ejected from jet blacks.  Ions Parallel  radically from the still lie that was beyond their counterparts in several alternate realities.  Gammaray Bursts.  Porphyrion Giants.  luminosity of 10 followed by 18 zeros Botulinum toxins.  A poison produced by Clostridium signal muscled them with roiling quantum fields fluctuating to true vacuums.  Those collisions between two proto-galaxies electrons set  off various nuclei in which they'd bind to.

               Then one of the Row Bots Waved to Ralph and said, “I am Dwarf An Asteroid... I might Cause A Black Hole.  I sure am Mighty."

               Which caused Ralph to think out loud, or is that out lout,  “Yessir, this is the time I'm gonna get my lack soul.”

               A long side of Alice went, “Just let go  your hold, you've already got the comet.”

Trixie asked, “Exoplanet?”

Ed proclaimed, “Asteroid Belt.”

Alice asked, “Kugel blitz?”

At this time, Ralph shouted, “In my Hope!  It is my Trophy!  Look at me!  I am Entropy!”

And he continued, “I Bribe through Dus... I astral Dus Alive.  Or is it a Bellatrix Hive?  That is Hardly A Star Star.!”

This caused Ed to laugh, “Hale-Bopp, Hale-Bopp, Hale-Bopp.”

Ralph then said, “You’re a real Pilot, Alice!  A Surreal Pilot!”

Alice said to Ralph, “You Give Me A Big Scintillation!”

Ralph then asked, “Re shoot off My Space Scoot? If we Keep This up, I'll Lose My Cold Stage!”

Alice replied, “Ralph, you Bolian, You're The Gamma Radiest.”

Trixie said, “My Raygun won't miss you next time!”

Ed Norton said, “You heard me, Trixie. Shoot Now!”

Trixie came back, ”You always say 'Shoot Now' to me!”


                                                    I hope you liked this                                                                                                                                      I also hope you will like THESE 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

What Makes A Boss A Boss? Is It Our Loss?


I was at work the other day when I told my cube mate, “Obscenities mean less today you know.

Cause we hear them now, more than long years ago.  That creepie presidential candidate says them more.”

               And he answered me, “Blought Blought tRump on his Pills.”

               That was when the boss told us, “Get back to work.  You are both a week behind.”

I said, “I don’t have a weak behind!”

The guy I share the cube with pointed to the boss and said, “Smell that?!!”

The boss then angered, “Are you saying that I’m a Big Behind?”

Then Fred, from my cube, said, “Mr.  You sure stunk the air when you bent over again.”

Ed, our boss, then said to both of us, “We’ve had this order for two weeks now.  It hasn’t gone out yet.  I don’t know what you two are doing, but you’re not doing none of this. Now, Can You Do It?  Or  are  you going to keep Canoeing through it?”

I said, “Is that ‘this order’ or have we had a ‘disorder’?  From where I’m at, I sure need  A Can of that Dry Ginger Ail.”

Fred went on, “Can?  Can!   Can Can!!!  You may think you Can  order us to start Star Trekin Across the Universe.”

And he said, “As usual you are and don’t just Start Drinkin Across this order first.”

I asked, “So you are going to keep saying your Star Tricks?”

Boss Ed said, “Stop making this Star Wars!”

To which I asked, “As usual, where’s my Mars Warts?”

Fred then continued, “As we are  unusual, we are ordered to Keep Shrinkin Because of his Ugly Verses. If you are so omnivorous then just Get On That Omni Bus! ”

Ed replied, “I don’t hate, butt you may have ate some Gassy Things, that’s why you stink, it’s not I who always smells.”

I began thinking that I must be in an old Three Stooges Movie. There’s a Duck Duck Here and a Duck Duck there.  Here adduct.  There abduct.  But at every job interview I Never Hear  The Bucks.

And now I am, Screaming in a littered wander land.  I just hope that after a scream in the night.  It will just be a blight.  We’ll think we’re a celestial mechanic.  And all around me it is See Star.  Sea Spar. Hiss There.   C-Stir   I wish you had a Sister.

So, to work, I wish we just had to Press Switch to open.  Wait, is that press which to open?

I just Impress the witch too often.


               And as Fred tried to look like he’s working, he goes:


Push me

Pull you

Rush me


This must be my Mouth Rush More!


               Which causes Ed to reply:




Oxen Free





               And I told him:



Those oxen are going to cause stews

Don’t you see?  We are the Stew Wart!


               While Fred agreed:


                              Turn on your Zarkoff and

                              Bite, Bite, Bite

                              Fright, Fright, Fright

                              Might, Might, Might

                              Spite, Spite, Spite!


               Which caused Ed to ask, “Is this your Pride and Pred Judges?   Or more of your Briber and Pre Judas?”

               I answered Ed, “Is it Cause your bothers make you fat?”

               Then, Olga, at the next desk, shouted, “Don’t step on me!  And Don’t thread on me!  Really, really, Don’t threaten me!”

               Fred looked at her and stated, “Tutor Common. Or, Tooth and Company.  I am not a Macho Macho.  You just treat me like A Gyro Tacho.”

               Olga said, “It must be launch time. Again,  you are lunching your Moo Shoo Burrito.”

               That just makes me feel sorry for myself.  But, if I was really felt, and I mean, if I really was made of felt, then I would feel what some, a few, portions, not just a potion, or even a position, that is my poison, of what other people are going through.  And, if that is the case, they are not really ‘other’ people.  And definitely, and it should be not defiantly, ‘Odder’ people.  Not them, or otter people, but they sure are odor people.

               Sure, we are not all totally the same.  But many parts of us are very similar.  And I am not a Semi Liar.  Truck.  Truck.  Truth!

               I am not you.  You are not me.  But even with those parts that are not the same, we are not nutty. You had a mother.  I had a mother.  You had a job.  I had a job.  You are here for more.  I wish I was not not any more. And I could, should, and would wish you are, were, and always will be not not any more. (Think about what ‘not not anymore’ means!)

               You are not a bird.  You are not a plane. You sure are not Superman.  But I also am not so weird.  I am not plain.  I am not played.  Although I might be playing.  Many times, I am not paid.  And to my mind, I am not insane.  And, at about 5:30 pm, I am Supper Man.

               You have your own source of information.  My own youth is no longer in formation.  I am owed.  My car got towed.  I am big toed.  And a lot of people call me a Toad.  That is not just because of my warts.  Many times, there is no just cause to their snorts.  Sports.  Shouts.  Snouts.  I may be not an import, but I am gladly not an ex president.

               Coffee.  Coffee.  You are one.  That caffeine makes me feel like I am fun.  When I think about it, I don’t have a Nun.  From that cat’s sole, lick, church, I went on the run.  Going to the confusional each week.  Going to brag to the priest about what I did that God told us not to do.  If I knew then what I “NO” now, I wooden be in this harpsicord. 

               I am not smart.  I just get stewed.  And that is not a Stew Ant.  If everyone and everything got stewed, where’s the Ant in That?  And you know not to ask me for my Art.  I may articulate, but I am not the Art of your Faith.


               Ant Hill Mantel

               A Farm Yard sure has Man Tills

               On that Sill

               Going Away

               I will come to Last

               Another Day

               And I sure Hope that is

               Not the Last Day

               For You Or For Me.


               So, I just want to say, “Come on and Kneel you Silly Killies!”


Go sell it on Smokey Mountain

Send their races to the Hills from anywhere

Go sell what MAGA mouths off

The guy who claims he’s our Christ has us pay for his porn


But we’ve been Paying for his bills and every swear


Are they Cowboys?  Let’s finally admit there were a lot of people or races different from you and I in those Saddles again.  That must have been back when Indians really were our friends.  I wish we would have sometime treated them as friends.  


Me Me Me Me Mine

I know I can their faces

If they are foes of mine

Their dog collars are so gross

They all belong to me


I know


With tRump, it is later than he thinks

Butt he never thinks

And what he claims he has done

Is always late

Brain they’re Dumb Fat

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

How Some Photon Came To Light Up The Dog


               I was walking along when I got told, “That Sitar wants to ruin your harmonica!  Their hands really play when your mouth can’t!”

               It must have been that Proton!  Boy those  subatomic particles with their supposed ‘Positive Electrical Charges!’  PEC is what I say to you.  They claim that favors are found in every atomic nucleus of every element. They claim they are Sherlock Holmes.  It is Sure Luck for Thems.  Instead of ‘Elementary my dear Watson’ watt it is is ‘Electrical My Dear Shame Us.’    In almost every elephant, protons make their accomplishments by neutrons. The only execution is the news of us, the simple minded unaccomplishments, human men. Humans concentrait only on a single position and no news hun.

               Him and his Bog.  Or as he calls it, His Bog Gland.  It is on a wet sand that accentuates their feet as peat, a deposit of dead plant materials – often Moses, cynically sphagnum Moses. He was one of the four main tip offs of sweat glands. Other names for this Bogus include crier, quag crier, and musket guns.   All killed in line are called vents.

               But wait.  This is not The Proton and the Bog.  There is more of a hysterical seem about this.  That was not the Proton, that is the Mastodon.  That Mastodon says he is a member of the genius Unmutes.  They swish, strictly misaligned with an epidemic to North America.  He cutted off lives from the lately unseen to the early Holy Moly Scheme. Mastodons cling on to the orders of Professor Ideas, but it is really the Profuse Orders from Ethel’s Rants that Hammock Moths.

               And who is helping that Massive Don?  It is the Equinog – That is the slime when the Buns cross the sold out trial of your equator.  Day and night, night and day,  are the same strength as a Knight at Play. This happens twice as near.

               But No.  But No.  And But No again.  We are not being worked over by some Mastodon and his Equinog!  And defiantly not that Proton full of Blogged Bog.  Hear, they’re, and every blare, is The Photon and The Dog. 

               The Photon, A Photon, Any Photon,  is an eliminatory participant that is a quorum of the Excentric Magneto,  Fido.  Indubitably intruding and introducing election rare dictations such as fight and run, and the farce career for the Elmo The Romantic pulse. Photons are massless partials that always smooth at the bleed off blight, if you lived in a vacuum.

               The Photon and The Dog.  That Particular Dog ate  a domesticated descendant of the wolf.  He might be a Particle of Particular Peculiars.  This Al is so called, the Dominstic Do.  His family was contaminated from a very stinky pole pulchritudation of doves claiming the Late Pleistocene era, over 14,000 years ago, as their own.  Claiming it is their Era is their Error.  But they were owned by hunger-gatherers, prior to the development of culture. The Dog and his anti-desent ants did not have feathers like those related Doves.  The Dog was and is the first species to claim they domesticated  humans.  But it is Dogs that calmed those messed up gated humans.

               Those two think they are unique.  They are more like Unicorns than Unique.  They are corny and they do not really exist.  They love it when people claim ‘The Photon and The Dog!’  But you got to watch your step.  How about that Motion of that Dodge.  Dart here and dart there.  Or did it Fart there because of the Art you Hear.  Was that your Hearing on Loan or was that your Herring Bone? 

               You got to Picture this!  Photogs, not Photons. Neutrons, not Neurons.  And extremely Rotund Proton Rotundas.  Do you smell that?  Or Due You Swell the Smogs?  Swagger Rags.  Dog’s Air Rugs.  You had better Dodge the Dodgers!

               That was a Bogus at the Lodge.  Someone sure Mowed Lawn and the Frog.  Moe Howard and his Hodge Podgers.

               Then, all of the sudden, the Electrical Hash Got Smashed.  A Mirror and a Prism and Extreme Gravitation turned one second’s Dog and His encircling Photon into the Opposites and Oppositions of Real Life.

Speaking of Bogus, that Photon sure was a Genius.  He would memorize computer code at various clients’ work sites and then type the codes into his own system after he left the clients’ establishments.  Opie Dopey sure has eidetic memory.  His second wife provided the money to start his own and owed automated accounting business.  Various clients trusted and thrusted him because he brought no mechanisms with him when he toured their facilities.  He would just look at their terminals, and in a few days, he would come back, type code in, and correct the problems those customers were having.  He was a Genius. 

               When Photon At Large was back at the offices (not with the Police Officers), after he typed in what he saw, and attempted some corrections, the programs would not work.  That is when the Dog would be called in to correct the code.  That Dog knew he was not a Genius.  He always attempts to figure out things.  Photon comes across as such a Genius, there are “people” that “ think” that he just looks at something, and comes back later and corrects it.

               Once, at the end of an accounting period, a client who did not want to pay the amount of taxes they were responsible for, requested for a Picture to print their accounting reports and update their data bases.  The Photon went to their offices to see what there was to see.  He then came back to the Dog’s facility.  The Photon then told the Dog to make changes in the code so that the reports produced and database updates reflected that the client lost revenue during that accounting period instead of gaining revenue.  That Dog was told that it was his job duty to change the code in order to create the wanted reports, and update the client’s databases, and then remove any electronic and paper trace of the efforts his owners employed.  The Dog refused to comply with The Photon’s orders.  Old Photon verbally refused to continue The Dog’s employment.  That Photon sure is a Genius, a revered business leader, and an honored religious leader in his faith.   

               The next company the Dog got worked on was started by some medical doctor who in the  Sun, who could not keep a job.  The Photon ordered, controlled, and commanded that ‘so called’ medical doctor.  He told the Doctor to provide the funding for his son’s business.  That son hired people, including The Dog, to make cheap copies of computer programs that looked like they kept track of patients’ medications and diagnosis for various hospitals and pharmacies.  The programs look like they work if you do not know medicine.  This Genius sells error filled programs to companies that handle human beings’ health.  The son does not listen if you point out where the calculations are going wrong. 

               This happened in the Swarm and won’t happen again.


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