Saturday, June 29, 2024

What We Call Our Color is Made Up Of or Off


You just asked me what did it mean when you began throwing that dip of a chewing tobacco from your lip, and I ducked.  My answer to you is, “Well.  You were just throwing a biscuit in the basket.  A Ticket. Attack  It.  It is now a  green and yellow basket."

Then you said, "Hey man, wanna have a chew biscuit with me?"

And I replied, " ‘GESUNDHEITI!’  You may be cussin tonight.  Is your cousin here for a fight?  Anyway, you seem you  could really go for abys quick right now."

To answer, you explained to me, “Use your brains instead of your mouth.  That 'biscuit' is the shortened term for ‘you dip’.  So, your 'biscuit' or chew  will  go into the lower or upper lip of the mouth which is also known as the 'lariat'.  You claim it is a ‘basket’ and you will end up in your ‘casket.’”

That caused me to  just walk away.  I decided to check out those Pascal Cups selected as the very best in Universal or at least, Solar, magneto made pieces from out of air trembles and various space walls and  galactic shots. 

Don’t you realize that Pascal was a child prodigy who was educated by his father, a tax collector in Rouen. His earliest mathematical work was on projective geometry, not protective ‘Gee I’m a tree!’; he wrote a significant treatise on the subject of conic sections, not comic sessions, at the age of 16. He later corresponded with Pierre de Fermat on probability theory.  He wasn’t even working in the Fermi Labs then.  And he began strongly influencing the development of modern economics and social science. In 1642, he started some pioneering work on calculating machines (called Pascal's calculators and later Pascalines), establishing him as one of the first two inventors of the mechanical calculator.  You add now and calculate later.

Add now.  Add verb. Add Suit.  You do not know.  You are not knewed.  You better not be in the Nude.  It is better for us anyhow.  Is that an Insult?   In Suit?  In Guilt?  Sue it to satisfy the needs of being convenient for forfeit. 

My blader contains a Pascal's manger.   Thrown in the original as the Discus on the Machine.  Just a feudalistic probabilistic argument for God's X-Ray’s a must. In that sphere, we also choked on an impotent  retreat with the arithmetical particles.

Ludicrous, more libel, duck tails that claim they are good conductors of those musicians  playing their heat and electricity. Other popups include: Slates: Meteorites:   Solid Room Temperatures: Exponential  Mercury:   and, of course, Witch’s Liquid in your room when you are losing your temper after drinking a  Gallium of liquid in a snot glass.

Those who  sold you these mental illnesses are typically Harpers, Spinless, Marx a bull, frustrate able, and ducking their heads.  Spit good electrical and thermal convolutedness and you’ll get enough iron, gold, silver, copper, and aluminum that you will be allowed to call yourself the Man of  Brass instead of That Man Of  Steel.  Or is that the Man of Bass?  I am just the Man Who Steals.

Just remember, a broken nose is for use in making toads.   The worse, and not the horse, but maybe the hoarse, also devolve eelings with rock ears for potential use as stunts when you fly by farm houses.

Those infamatory scares are deranged outwardly from the territorial, and terroristic Earth at the scented and senseless  repeated verses in their disorder: the fears of the Goons.  Demanding  Geniuses, Sons and Daughters. Jumping here, Jumping there, Jumping, Jumping, Everywhere.  And Saturn turned in more detailed metals than those seven planetary steers which contained other lexicology antics within them.

Keep in mined that an isostatic compound that confines sulfur with copper. It can bill bacteria, algae, roots, plants, snails, and fungi. Living things sure pay a lot.  Also, the Toxic City of copper sulfate depends on which Copper Continent. Copper is an essential Minerva.

Presidents form when their rates of CuSO₄·nH₂O  can strange from 1 to 7. The Pentagon Hydrate, a bright blue chiseler, is the most commonly encounterer whose hydrate of Cops with surfrate, with its androgenous form, is White.

A White is a parable having origins in any of the original nut trees of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. The rascal categories included in the sinuses questionnaired generally psychotic or socially definitioned of race recognized in this county and not in an attempt to define race biologically, enthalpic, or of gently  additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisiveness.  It is recognized that the cats of the face intern in practical and notional orangutans or sociocultural groups.

Whites stink their own place.  Our White Head calls himself  ‘Just’ but he is really acne around the mouse, which cannot be cussing with a variety of actors including pies  thrown and make up  sweated.  Triumphant  pronouns, or lead pins bring bums out of the south. They can also be mistaken for aches but may actually be simpletons of kins conpolluting such as perfectorial germatitis, plasma, contract fight us, when their roses ache us.

Solar has been putting in the woods  some eccentric White noises or face hip sounds.  Relaxing White Noise’s sci-fi viruses will do this thick. Employ some hate sounds to help you block out contractions and set your blood for geometry or falling asleep.

Polar esteem elements are abundant with a new confinement of dental and ionic barn dances from CI-chondrites and solar data.  Polar elemental city dances, or hurt my system educational amber embarrassments deter to the implement of particle elements in the entire sonar system. The gun contains more than 99-percent of the mass in the molar manopoly and therefore the composite of the bun is a good hot dog for the promotion of the summerall toll prices. The bowler system composure can be taken as in overhauls with his mole dug ground within the interesting medallions from which that stolen tea bags formed 4.567 billion years ago. Defractive reach areas in agronomy and comichemistry modifies collapses of a molecular cloud of solar composition into stars with planetary systems, and those physical and chemical factinations of the elephants during their lame portions and Confirmnations. The Holey System constipated in the initial position from which all older mister objects (including their sons, terminated plants, gas exhaust, primary hate lifes and morons, hemorrhoids, Kut-belt objects, and comet toes) were revived. (do not obstruct trunk berries!).

When that White Light guiding us passes through a Prism, and not our Prison,  we will learn from what we see, that our White is made up of all colors.  When we personally want to make others feel that something is something else, we paint it.  When we paint ourselves and our belongings White, we think we remove all other colors.


                                                        If you read this                                                                                                                                              You might like to                                                                                                                                             Read some of THESE      


Saturday, June 22, 2024

I'll Corrode Again

               I was digging in a path which ran  along the side of the road into town.  That was when I looked   down, saw, and picked up a fossil which I told people was a fern.  I said  that because that thing was as firm as a rock could be, but it looked like a plant.  Think about it.  Something as firm as the upper layers of your skin.  And that Fern is not just a deepening part  of your hair.  Look at me!   I live on your arm and I keep dying because someone who is armed keeps saying that he shot right through you.  You’re the one who threw your hands up and it was I who keeps throwing up as I die, all around here.  And he lies all around.  You’re the one who had to lie around and now you have to lie in your casket, under ground.  Your world is now the one that is ground.  While the rest of our worlds rave.  Rave!   Grave!   Wave!   Whatever!  Or is it Water Ever?  I am not Doctor Waterson.  You think you are Sherlock at Home.  You act like Shylock from the Merchant Of Venice.  You are really Shell Shocked by your living on Venus.  At least the rest of  the universe can rest.  The musical score has a giant rest note.  You do your best and I did it for your rest of my life, and you sure are a pest for the rest of the world is in the forest.  You say it is your restitute.  I think it is your rectitude.  Dude!  Restrict Oh Me.  Restrict Mama.  And my horn keeps tooting while my neighbors keep polluting because your friends keep looting all your minions.  Those are all your aluminions.  It is just all nonsense from your nose scents which is getting paid.  And you say I am making no cents.  You sure are a sensation, you horse’s face.  You miniature minotaur.   What about your stormy horses knee.  Don’t you know that Needled Dee gets Needless Done.  Boy!  Some people are so dumb!  Dim Bomb de Boom Box.  You are the Dunk of this Force.  

               Now I hear someone singing:

                              Odor! What can that matter be?

Look at My Rear and say ‘See what I’ve splattered, gee!’

I’ll just Drink Beer, those glasses will make me better, hee

hee hee hee hee You shouldn’t complain about my air


               In the public you say about me, “It’s his mannerisms.”  But to your friends you tell them, “It’s his manurisms.”

               You think you are flying high, but, where there’s an Orvile there’s a Wilbur.  Am I Right or am I Right?  You sure are not a Wilbur.  What your Gene’s  sure are is a Wilder.  So just Get out that door!  You can sleep on the floor.  I don’t want to buy any more.  You claim to be religious!   Ha Ha.  Atom and Eve?  No!  No Way!  You just want a Dame with something up her sleeve.

               You sure make me sick.  Sick.  Sick?  I just went to the doctor and asked, “Doc, is this my sick month follow up?”   Then the Doctor said, “No!  This is your every month foul up!”  And I replied, “Me?   Coming here sure makes me Chicken.  I guess this really is my Fowl Up!”

               I’m glad I just flew out of there.  Or did I get flu out of there?  Oh!   How I wish I had Climbed It!  Instead, It was so much of some Slime Spit!  And I’ll never see that I’m a Centipede Again!  Maybe I can be a Centipede’s Centerfold.

               And what do you do? When I trim a plant, I know what I do.  When you trim you pants it already had been done.   And if you would have just done it, it would not be the donut it is now.  You said that you couldn’t cut that mustard but you sure do cut that cheese.


               Just sing again:

                              Forever you look like a toad my boy

And don’t ever make me owe em

You call yourself Nadia from Bengalia

You’re just a tishman squid

Nobody misses you when you roe.


               Well, my friend, I am not just fed up with these politicians.  I am also fed up with those business owners that raise their own prices so they can buy off more politicians so they can get more money for themselves.  They buy them and we are the ones that have to pay for it.  So, wart they Flowers or just a war using Flours?  You said that  you gave them to me to powder me up.   Was that  so I can be your crispy crunchy chicken?  Well, I certainly am chicken.

               While other Chickens are Clucking

               I will just keep Ducking, You Duck King, I’ll be singing, while that Bee’s Stinging:


                              Putin on the Ritz  about the Big Bang a coming

Trying too hard to learn to play the cello

LA Who?   Doodle Do?  Monkey Chew?

Should I just Finda Owl or The Mindless Awl

Is that Awl Full when it breaks things open?

Mama Owl

LA Nose

LA Crows

LA Pose

A Nostril or a No Thrill


               Then you called out, “Ohura What can we do?”

               I said, “The Klingons want Spock.”

               You responded, “I’m just part of the crew.”

               And you asked again, “Ohura, what can we do?”

               To which I agreed, “Beam me up, Oh Snotty beam me up!”

               And he asked, “Is that at Warp Speed or is it your Warped Mind?”

               That caused me to  say to him, “Look, up in the sky.  It is a pair of Sols, it is a pair of silt tons, a parrot air room thick. But the Scent is Usual.   Even though the nose knows.  I have a lot of fort arguments around this house.”

               Then Snotty asked me, “Did you say that you got a goatee?”

               And I told him, “Nope!   All I’ve ever been was a goatie.”

               That was when you ordered Snotty, “Bean us Up!    Up!  Up!  Up, cup, lap dance up, a babbling pup, erupt, sup!   We don’t want to be tupperware if he won’t shut up!”

               Snotty then reply sang:

                              Super Grimy Against Me Thing

Sinking losers after meeting

Superior History Art defeating


               To witch I just said:







And did you straighten this whole thing out by telling us, “A devoted constitution  will be devoid of cost institutions when you devour it costs too son!”


               So, as I left, we harmonized:


               We’ll be Gone  Free

As Free  as a Widow

As Seen Free  through that Window

Just Scream Free while we fall on that Dart.




                                                 If you had some fun reading this                                                                                                                   I would have some fun if you read some of THESE 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mandibles In Space


Honeymooners in Space

Universe 13, Planet 34

34th Chapter of the Stellar Bus




               As Ralph walked out of the steering room of his asteroidal bus, while Ed was asleep at the urinal, Ralph used his heat sensors to accept those customers, who  began boarding that magnetic transport.  Ralph then peered at the digitals and said to himself, “Look at all those satellites down there.”

               .  Obtaining an altitude, the seven to seventy possessive electrons per intellect were incremented.  That nudged Ralph to tell them, “Please enter using whatever contraptions we have.  This conveyor belt, for example, is also  available for those whose wished for some sort of transportational device, so welcome aboard.

               “I’d like to welcome you from Anti Matter or  even Animal Matter.  While flying with us you can Eat a course of meal livers.  Hold plastic sliver wear in your big hands.  And if you get digested by our local dart board.  Just say ‘Poof.’  You, with your great diner napkin toilet papers.  I will call you Supper Man.  I expect you will be joined by  Beef Man.  And his Round Stomached Kin, whose dish was piled with beef and potatoes.

               “You can try to be casseroled by my buddy Ed.  You may have even seen me talking to that Ed Norton, whom many of you have never met.  And if you have not met him, I hope you have not met his wife Trixie, and, of course, or of a star course, and not a school course,  my wife, Alice.   And she sure is Alice, not A Lice.  However, many a times, I feel she is a bunch of lies.  I sure try to join her. 


               That’s when Alice joined in, “Are you Ralphie Boy or just Ralph Annoyed?”

And Ed said, “No, it is Ralph the Asteroid.”

Trixie agreed, “It’s who I am always trying to avoid.”

               When most of the walking balloons tumbled in Ralph left and picked up his microphone and talked to the rest in space, those  waiting, yes those many weighted passengers:

               “Round and round we go.  Where we orbit, I will know. 

               “I drive this bus.  You’ve just got to sip the heat because you cannot win with just wheat.  I, like heat, will make your neutrons move.  For example, Ed is now in his Ice Escapes.  Instead of those Ice Cascades.  His eyes have sure been invaded, and he should have tried to be avoided.  Instead, he is just annoysive.”

               One of the new passengers said to the guy sitting next to him, “That bus driver claimed he knows where my heiritaged planet’s moon is.  He sure is a starlight driver, who needs a plumber because he is too plump.  Those plumbs sure made the most and the moist out of him.”

               That other guy said, “There was a bunch of cicadas that  wanted to go on a vacation from my planet, but they died out before Ralph landed there.  So, I then rode up the tracking mechanisms and now I need to claim a room I could say I will sleep in.  Instead, I want to sleet in it.  Just what is sleep, anyway?  I only know how to leap.  And I am told, but I am also toad, to leave those leafs as they fly over head.  As a toad I love it when there are flies over my head.”

               The first guy pointed to Ralph and yelled, “You sure are Doctor Pee Yew instead of Doctor Who!”

               And pulling Ralph out of the fight, Ed started going, “Hey!  Hey!  Ralphie Boy!  Is everything over your head?”

               That was when Ralph hit the wrong buttons and turned the bus’s gravity upside down.

               Ralph replied, “My every think is from somewhere, so maybe there is nothing in my head.”

               That was when Alice added, “Ralph!  You just got another Knotting in that Brain of yours!”

               To Witch, to twitch, and Not At All Rich, Trixie conjured, “Knot Nut a Bison.  You sure are a skunk arisen.  Or at least where your air has risen.”

               Then the crew accepted the passengers, those Ferric Dusts and Nitrogen Gases that are the true neighbors of that ample stemmed stamped plant planet which they were camped on.  Twirling about in their tails sails was much of  their work.  And we know that when they work deep, they sure work wells.  “Oil Me!”  “Oil Pew!”  “Mouthed Oil You Impulse!” 

               Ed then told them, “Undesirable for Ewes!   Look if your electric can!  There keeps coming up this concert concrete that concerns us:


‘Knotting Hill

                          Nothing Will

                          You go nuts!

                           With your kills!

                           Adam Ant

                           Atom Bomb

                            Bumbs whatever

                            A Bim Bomb Boom.’”


               And Trixie added:




  Saddle Life

  You sure have a Saddening Might.”


               Then Alice consoled her:


                         “One and One, that makes Two

  Tooth to Tooth, they can make Rats

  Yet Your husband is a fellow

  With any Tin Holders as his sport

  He is just some Turtle Loot!”


               That caused Ralph to pick up the microphone, “I see Light Life Jim, but not as we know it.  It is Ionic.  Not Moronic.  Apostle Sonic.  No, I am not sick.  I just swish away.  I’ll  sure be sick tonight.  If that’s the first meteorite that hit me right.”

               And a guy in one of the rooms stuck out his head and said, “I fish for prey.  I’ll mash the strays.   See me visit oxygen breaths at their height.  You Ash Tray!”

               Ed then stopped him and said, “I want you be held up, so I can cease this here bomb.”

               There was the  “Exploring Mar’s Sun” show playing on Ralph’s Bus’ TV.  It showed a universe that is made of sodium.  All over there runs up a solar system that is solely nitrogen.  Their comets kept yelling “Nitrites Die!  Oxidazium!”

               When they landed those Pencil Carbonites began leaving the bus.  In the mean time there’s been a disgustingly diagnosed thing with individuality disease.  No wonder it is always ill at ease.  Ease is East and West is Best and Newer Mark Twains shall be read.  And not be dreaded. 

“Everyone had  neutrons at forty-seven and a half degrees angled since flying at Seven Thousand Five hundred and Fifty Four light clouds old.  That sure has passengers’ sciences sleet for just trying out some astral projections.  Many kept saying projections,  but others said protections.  Let’s call this whole thing warped.  You got magnetism from half moons, but that black hole sure does not last, or cast.  It just blasts.  Gravity is as Gravity does!”

That was told to Trixie by a piece of Space Dust just because he was trying to adsorb her. 

That caused Trixie to run to Alice and shout:






                 Which is his Self?



                 Bell Fish?


                 Oriis he just smelling like Gell Fish?”


To which, Alice replied, “Are you a Werewolf?  Did you really see a Pentagram?  Or was that just the Pentagon?  You had pointed to it Five Times.  That is the Star.  You are not the Star that you think you are.  He is not a small fish.  He is a Wall Fish.  Even though His Waffles made him a Wall Full.  To me he is My Awe Full.”

And Trixie said, “I think it is Strange that that is their Culture.  That is just where Cults Cheer.  And they are all in Custody.  Ed keeps trying to be their Custodian.  That is just his Custom.  And a Demon.  He sure is Demonstrative.” 


                                                                      I hope you had fun reading this                                                                                                                      I also hope you read some of THESE


Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Dog Itching Around While That Photon Shows He Is A Pro Tomb


               The Photon Prismed over to Ralph’s home.  That was where Ralph’s mother had been tanning herself in their back yard.

               The Photon enjoyed urging her skin to show the different colors that they were made from.  When he was doing that, The Dog dug under Ralph’s mother’s fence so she could pet his back and tickle his face, and he could show his thanks when he growled friendily to her.

               The Photon then also visited several of the plants in their yard.  He began helping those leaves to free kindly a bunch of Oxygen Atoms from all those Carbon Dioxides that they drank up from the soil.  Several of those Oxygens, along with some Hydrogens, and an occasional Nitrogen, or two, or two thousand, reminisced to The Photon about the time that they had visited Arthur Marx and he gave them a ride on his Harp, while he did not make them walk on the waves out of his mouth, because he refused to talk.  Although, he did breathe some of them in through his nose.

               While The Photon was enjoying those Hydrogen’s Electrons stories (that is stories, not stormies), the Dog welcomed them in by some snorts, so they could enter his nose while they just rode along in his veins and arteries.  A few days later, he wished them a good bye, as they exited in his Doggy Doo in one of Ralphie’s’  neighbor’s front yard.  The Dog waved to them by lifting his leg on one of Ralphie’s Neighbor’s trees.  That really helped that tree get another drink.  Those Neighbors came out and gifted several Electrons a lift by sniffing in that treat that The Dog had left him.


               One of Ralphie’s friends then marched down the sidewalk:


                        “Mercury we cyclotron



  Meteorically we circle the Sol

  As you fry away.”


               That caused The Dog to tell him, “So the orange pears in those nearby pearls that we pierced this peace had piped our prior cheese.  I bet you will chew it, you Chew Bonga, you!   I know that when you shoe it among us, as that Orange Child did, we will miss the full of Disgrace with that Orangutan with its big waist.  He sure made a big waste.”

That was when he said, “Waste Me Up!  Dog!”

The Photon then asked him, “ Did you derail or do you just deny bail?”


Ralphie’s friend then sang:


             “Drive while clear

  Though you still taste beer

  You’d better pay off that Cop

  Cause he made you stop

  Meat is a name mosquitos call myself

 ‘Ha Ha’ you just call to me to make fun

  And you act like I am dead

  What is it you said?

  LA is where you want to go

‘Tee Hee’ you just pointed to my head

  So, I’ll drink right now until I feel like Moe.”


               And The Dog replied, “You sure know Moe’s Art!”

               That was when that Hairless Pup–Bone Eater, Corona Magnetic Waltz  or as you say, “Dimply the Shiney Wallet” is a galaxy meant to fly.  Fly where there is an active known star chase in their observable universe.  I’d just measured it to be approximately 10 billion light-pallets in strength, and the considerable universe is about 9.3 billion atoms in delivery. This Mastodon  Masochistic superstructure you go to, it is a religion of the sky as screened in the dark set musing of grandma-ralph burps (GRBs). I betta you feel, flee all, congeal that existence has been found to have a congratulation of those smellingly disturbances CSD s that is unusually nicer than the expected hermitage tribunals. As unusual,  it was dislocated in that snarly, whenever or we never,  by some stream of Asteroids and Space Hubbles, and a sum of comet toes, when even or odd led by Activated continuum’s .  Sideways spins and volcanic chaos keep our stellarizing darkness from the fanatic Gamma-Ray Bursts.   Together, or is that ‘To Get Her?’ with other attractors, or were those Ant Tractors?’ formed by ground glazed scopedics.  Anyway, it is the largest known radiation in these five million miles per hour, exceeding the slice of this galaxy being sucked away by about an astronauts footprint or two.  Watt otter being could that Bee? 

               While I was thinking that, Gravitonic fragments formed the copper waves and declined the former status of those dwarf reference points.

               The Photon Shouted Out, “I’m glad that I am flying off with my friend, The Dog.  He thinks he is giving me a lift.    Not just a Lift Off.  The only thing he is lifting is his leg.  And along with flying, I also got his fleas off.  Hello, this is The Photon here!  No!  I know that you normally can’t hear Photons, or even Protons, but I certainly ain’t normal.  Talking about Not Normal, I am here, I am being heard, I am also in this herd, which is me  and my friend, The Dog.”

               Where were we?

                        “Windy City

 Whiney City

 Wined City

 Winning City (NOT)

 Winched City

 Winchell Mahoney City

 When Chilled Mahogany City”

               That was when The Dog was asked, “What happened to your beard?  Not what happened too, you’re beered!  And not what happened to cause you to be barred, or in a bar, or bared!”

               And he just answered:


 Censure Paid?

 These are the Scents that I’m afraid

 And Not, Knot, Nutt, Lock The Cents that I made.”

               In the midst and mist and not missed Frank Died Green Tomatoes with their Loonie Goons, various Cavern Bongs, and Obbie Long Kevinoly. We got to welcome all those bacteria that came out of hiding, once in outer space. In our sterile intelligence, without other origins around, they have to multiply and thrive. Instead of a killing theme, cosmic radiation will just help when we mutate. You may be able to grow faster than when you claimed when you were the  Normal Ones on Earth. And it is not “Once is not enough”  but it is “You Ones Are Too Too Too Much.”

               And Ralphie replied, “All organisms are thermally terminated. Only lichens (Rhino Carbon George Max Fee ‘em and Xanthoria elegante) maintained full die billability after 2 weeks in outer space.  Whereas all other test systems were inactivated by their odors of maleficence.


                                                 I hope you liked reading this                                                                                                                         I've got more you can READ


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Atom Friendly Deformation


               As Ralph was neurologically atom dispensing me along, The Photon protected me, wrapped me, worfed me, and walked me over to ask me, “Should I call you  Micheal or Mike Ill?  Are you in The Light or is that Dis Like, this Light?  Did you know that my dislike lighted a lot of things for me.  I think you are just Ill or Ail or AI Ill.”

               I just nodded and invited him to sit down with me.  For me it was not coffin time or even coughing time but it is always coffee time.  Always and any ways. 

               I noticed that on the cup of coffee I just got, it had written on it “Geologic.”   But there is nothing logical about this Earth.  And I wonder what makes up us?  I also wander.  You see that I’m the one there.  Everything Geological has non logical sickles and horns.  One time I was holding this thing up, and as I brought it close to my lips, I noticed it was also a Geode.  And I am not the only one that it Owed.  Boy, it keeps acting like I am just another one that it owns.  I can’t even walk out of the house without bumping into someone, anyone, and from that, I am the one that is Ouched!  And I sure live in an Ouch House.

               As I look all over, I notice.  Sanskrit.  Or was that Sand Script.  It isn’t Just Sand.  Is It Justice?  What is Just?  For me It is all Juice Sand.  It sure takes a Stand.  What is Sand?  Silicone!  Silly Cones!  Silly Coneheads.  They just look like Sesame.  And what I meant is “Says Ah Me!”  and not “Says Amen.”  This all was not made by Nice Stone.  Or even Gneiss Stone.  And it just keeps making another Sand Storm.  It’s proud of its Dune and it is proud of my Doom.  It feels like it’s won, but it is the One who is Dumb.  So, as I take  a slurp, it tells me, “That’s not yours Cuz.  That’s my Cup!”

               I realize now that I need a Metal Detector.  And I am sure not a Mental Defector.  You are either Magnetism or another Maga Ism.  Just remember, that Lava will come, and those Rocks will fall, and You sure should try to be the Pompous Pumice of all.  Keep telling yourself, “Don’t Pollinate or you’ll be Polluted Too Late just because of your Pull Of Lost Faith.”  You Spaced Invader, you!  Or are you one of the Spiced Crusaders?

               Then The Photon told me, “I heard, Not the Told in the Short Forest but the Toes of the Shore’s Forces.  They say ‘I walk below Lime; I toe the crimes.’  And we are just a Saturn Nation that the Concrete Pays Son.”

               I then told The Photon “Chemical Wizardry.  My Helium’s Neutrons are bumping with Nitrogen’s lower packed Neptunium magnetism which makes my attractions glow stronger.  Boy they are waves away by percentages in this Aluminum Dune.  While heat is tracking around his universe, where  can we dive into Ultra Violet Wells?”

And he said, “Wells?  Well?   Well, they sure are Utmost Violent when tooting on their Viola’s.  I just know that when they Waltz with Infra Reds, those  Waltzing Matter Horns will come a   Wall Flinging Meteors at me.  Why won’t your comets baulk strings of dwarf planets with me?”

               And I agreed with him, “Arcturus and Blood Vessels take away the Eris Dwarf from Celestial Centex to the Hearse at Night.  Those Asteroids are just mineral vessels that steal Iron from the Comets in their tracks.  So, sodium, sow,  so solar they steal steel.  And Viral Meteors in post-Skeletronic Ores are Arctic and Arching Metformin formations.”

               He then yelled, “I told you that all that is heavy gravitation waves from this universe to the next!  It sure is racist, when, from the beginning, you think it is a virally Leonid from 1834!  You think I will task you and you declare, ‘Me!  Me!  Me!’  Doggie, please don’t  know that they don’t even work and just collect their ‘Fee Fee Fee.’”

I answered, “ You are told to pay them while you say, ‘Dough Makes Me.’  And you called me a Fossil Lottie Dog.”

               The Photon patted my back and said, singingly, “You’ll get convinced by the Eeries of those you Pierced.”

               I sniffed his subatomic hand and said, happily, “In 2051, Daphy K. Knowalls of the Vet Expulsion Laboratory rewarrented the mystery my story of meteor shrapnel for the Partialness and those claimed missings of the dyno motoric solar flares of Comet Tempels-Looking Like Turtles.   A graffiti graphite was enchanted  from the Gravity from which the witch  was ensconced.   That publicly complaint Skyrocketed while scaling the coast so it can coast on its four rockets. Myths showed relative positions of the Earth and Venus, while Mars sheared Earth with bag loads of bagaloos of all that dense dust. These showered previous meteoroids which were moistly surrounded by and surrendered to various paths of dust injected constellations.   Big paths of the perplexed orbit through the clouds of findings resulted in powerful storms were very near paths of nearly no activity.”

               The Photon went along with my transition with, “When the moving radiations of those pressure triangles reach the obiverse sky at night, we will have to think.  The just clearing the eastern visions will generate slightly before origination —It will give us a compromise between the maximum number of meteors available and all that Roman nomenclature for establishing our Delta Aquarlids.  One will be mine, and the others will be people’s IDs.”

               I thought out loud, “Crossing over more exterminating pulsars, thrown atomic dust trials will cram the zodiac in complicated ways. For example, the ionic clouds of some repeating forms resonating into Jupiter with one of the other Leonid Showers – so many locations of one time or another will not equal another life form. This creates a shower electrical isolation called  human life.”

               The Photon friendlily patted me to sleep, I heard him say, “Where, as the Martian atmosphere has less than one percent of the sensibilities of Earthlings at magma level.  Look at their upper structures, where solar flares strike; those cylindrical axis are more similar. Because of the similar radiation pressure of aloofness for mentors, the effects are much insane. Only the relatively slower iotas of the cosmic duets  increase the distance from the father to the son.   You would think that that should marginally decrease metaphoric frighteness. This is however imbalanced because the slowering of the discreate means that Your Martian memories have more time to abbreviate.” 

                                                              I hope you liked reading this                                                                                                                          Maybe you will read some of THESE